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Philippians – Progress of the Gospel


Now I determine for you to experientially know, brethren, that the things according to me have come more unto progress of the gospel, so that my bonds in Christ came to be clearly manifested among all the Praetorian guard and all the remaining. And the greater of the brethren in [the] Lord, after being persuaded by my bonds, exceedingly dare without fear to speak the Word. Some on the one hand also because of envy and strife, some on the other hand also because of good pleasure, are proclaiming the Christ. 1.16 On the one hand, the ones out from selfish ambition proclaim the Christ not sincerely, supposing to bring tribulation upon my bonds. On the other hand, the ones out from love intuitively knowing that I am appointed unto a defense of the Gospel. For what? Expect in every way whether in pretense or whether in truth Christ is being proclaimed. And in this I rejoice, but also, I will be caused to rejoice. For I intuitively know that this to me will come down unto salvation through your supplication and provision from the Spirit from Jesus Christ according to my eager expectation and hope, that I will be put to shame in nothing, but with all boldness, as always, even now Christ will be declared great by my body whether through life or whether through death. For to me to live, Christ, and to die, gain. Moreover, if, assuming it is true, to live in [the] flesh, this to me is fruit from work, and what to choose I do not know. Indeed, I am pressed out from two, having the desire to […]

Philippians – Progress of the Gospel2017-09-03T15:04:53-07:00

A Different Gospel alongside the Gospel of The Christ

1:6 I marvel that thus so quickly you change from the one who called you by the grace of Christ into a different kind of gospel, 1:7 which is not of the same kind, except there are some who trouble you and desire to distort the Gospel of The Christ. 1:8 But even if perhaps we, or a messenger (angel) out from heaven should bring good news to you which is alongside that good news already brought to you, it is to be set aside. 1:9 Just as I before said, and again I say, “If, assuming it is true, someone brings good news to you alongside that which you have received; it is to be set aside. Galatians 1:6-9

Those who seek to distort the Gospel of The Christ do it by bringing a different gospel alongside the true good news.  The preposition used to express how this different gospel, that is not a gospel of the same kind, attempts to manifest itself is “Para”, which means, “from the side of”. It can have the sense of contrary to something; however, it still keeps its main meaning, which is to come alongside. So, rather than directly contradicting, as in a face to face conflict, the gospel message they bring, the ones seeking to distort the Gospel of The Christ, comes alongside the true gospel in an effort to change it into something different.

If perhaps anyone brings you a gospel that is alongside (in a contrary sense) to the gospel which you have already received it is to be set aside (Anathema). Although often translated “accursed”, “anathema” comes from the concept of an item that was set aside for the worship, or use, of a god; […]

A Different Gospel alongside the Gospel of The Christ2012-08-21T05:15:23-07:00

Changing the Gospel Message

The good news of The Christ is a gospel of grace and faith, yet, there are those who seek to change this gospel into a different message, which is not good news at all (Galatians 1:6, 7). They take the very basic truths concerning our salvation and lives as saints belong to God and twist them to manipulate people into following them.

The Gospel of The Christ includes the good news about salvation. Scripture is very clear that we are saved by grace through faith, Ephesians 2:8,9. It is His (God’s) attitude by which He gives us a benefit without consideration of merit that provides us with an opportunity to take God at His word concerning salvation. He says that we are to believe that Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures to be saved, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. Yet, there are many false teachers today who change this message into one of works, rather than of faith. They say to be saved you must accept Jesus into your heart, have a relationship with Jesus, make him Lord of your life, ask him to forgive you of your sins. None of these take God at His word, therefore, they are not out from Faith.

The good news does not stop at salvation, that is only the beginning. As part of our salvation, we have been taken out of Adam – no longer seen before God as condemned along with all of unsaved mankind – and placed into The Christ – a new creation in which the old things (who we were in Adam) have passed away and all things are new (who we are in Christ). 2 […]

Changing the Gospel Message2023-12-14T12:32:49-08:00

The Importance of an Accurate Gospel Message

Since God did not determine that some would perish, so no one is headed to hell by God’s choice (2 Peter 3:9), it is important to present the facts of the Gospel accurately, according to what Scripture states.

Over in 1 Corinthians 15, Paul reminds the Corinthians saints of the gospel that he brought. This is one of the clearest presentations of the gospel to the Gentiles in Scripture. Paul states, this is the gospel by which we are saved (1 Corinthians 15:2). Christ died on behalf of our sins according to the Scriptures, was buried, and rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures.

This is the message that contains the inherent ability of God to save (Romans 1:16) and the only sin that the Holy Spirit is convicting unbelievers of today (John 16:9). Faith is an interesting concept. We often consider faith to be something within the mind. However, it is specifically defined in Hebrews 11:1 as the substance of that which is hoped for, the evidence of accomplished deeds not seen, and in James we find that faith without works is dead (James 2:17), also we know from 1 John 3:4 that sin is an action, not something that happens within the mind; therefore, faith is not seen from God’s perspective as something within the mind, but an action that results from belief within the mind. Saying you believe something is not faith. Faith will always manifest itself in works, for it is the act of believing. Abraham believed God and there was an action that was associated with that belief. This was demonstrated when Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son, for in his mind he concluded that God would have […]

The Importance of an Accurate Gospel Message2023-11-25T07:59:11-08:00

Gospel of John May 13

John 14:1 -6

Stop letting your heart be troubled. You believe in the God, also believe in Me. In My Father’s house there are many dwelling places. And if not, I would not have said to you, I go to prepare a place for you. And if perhaps I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you alongside Myself, in order that where I am, also you should be. And where I go you intuitively know and the way you intuitively know. Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not intuitively know where you go and how are we able to intuitively know the way?” Jesus said to him. “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes towards the Father except through Me.

Gospel of John May 132018-05-19T09:23:32-07:00
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