The Inarticulate Babbler Carnal
And I, brethren, was not able to speak to you as spiritual, but as carnal, as inarticulate babblers in Christ, 1 Corinthians 3:1
Carnal means to be emanating the things of the flesh. Those who are carnal are not able to understand Spiritual things, for when the mind is focused on fulfilling soulish (emotional) desires, the desires from the Spirit are not discernable, 1 Corinthians 2:14. One of the predominate signs of a Christian being carnal is one who causes divisions within the local assembly, usually through manifesting the religious works of the flesh. From the flesh comes idolatry and religious superstitious awe, both of which are presented as following God, when in reality they are seeking self-gratification and prefer feelings over the truth. If a person is considered wise and learned, let that one show proper works in objectivity of mind concerning wisdom, not in bitter envy and selfish ambition, for these are carnal, not Spiritual in nature, James 3:13-14. Where there is envy and selfish ambition there is disorder and all accomplished works are fallow because this type of wisdom is not from above, but is demonic in kind, James 3:15-16.
When a Christian is carnal, their mind is framed on the things of the flesh, not on Spiritual things, and therefore their actions will always produce unrighteousness and even sin. However, not all the desires from the flesh have a bad appearance to them. Religious superstitious awe involves religious things often involving the appearance or atmosphere of a building, or the way the clergy are presented to the assembly and separated out as those that are more “religious” than others. Religious superstitious awe heavily relies upon feelings, focusing on so called “worship services” and feel-good sermons. The types of works that it produces make the doer feel good, but do not produce anything of value. Although they may have an appearance of good by supporting the poor with having a food pantry, giving out school supplies to the community, having a community BBQ, or other events; however they are not focused on building up and caring for the saints, rather on giving what belongs to those of the assembly to the unbelievers so the leaders of the assembly have something to boast about as they make the congregation feel good about themselves.
Paul could not speak to the Corinthians saints as ones who were Spiritual, therefore he had to feed them with milk because they were not able to handle solid food. This was an assembly that had a lot of issues with being carnal, although they were fairly financially well off. And because of their carnality, even though plenty of time had passed for them to learn, Paul still could not talk to them as ones who are Spiritual. In the same way we read of divisions in this assembly, we also see them today as people follow an individual rather than God. I am of Paul, I am of Apollos, where today I go to this person’s church. Small groups within an assembly are also breeding grounds for division and heresy, for they, by their nature, separate out a small group of attendees to follow after a specific host. Yet, in the majority of assemblies these are heavily focused on.
In the last days, which we are clearly in, there will come mockers who are soulish and cause divisions, not having the Spirit of God. These are the ones who claim to speak in tongues, prophecy, heal, work miracles, or any other religious and often idolatrous means to persuade others they are closer to God. They have a good appearance, but mock Christianity and what Scripture states, basing what they are doing on what they “feel” God wants for them in contrast to what is revealed in Scripture. They divide themselves out as “born again Christians”, “baptized by fire”, or “born again Spirit filled believers”, and many other titles to separate themselves and appear more holy than others. They do not accept healthy teaching, which properly divides Scriptures based upon information that is to be learned but not practice and doctrine for the Christian. All because they are carnal and therefore unable to receive anything but milk from the word of God.
Overcoming the desires from the flesh, which are manipulated by the sin that dwells in us, requires us to take God at His Word and apply the truth. The truth is a specific set of instructions concerning how to have victory over our sin nature that Jesus first revealed in John 8:32 when He stated that the truth will set you free. Through Paul we are given the details on this defense. Know that we have died with Christ and are therefore also raised with Him to walk in newness of life, which frees us from slavery to the sin nature, Romans 6:6. Count this to be true, Romans 6:11, and then start yielding our members to righteousness, Romans 6:13. This type of attitude is going to set our minds on the things above as we seek out the desires from the Spirit. These desires involve seeking the best for others, so divisions among the saints will be rejected, for we are all part of one body and equal in Christ.
However, those who continue to follow after the desires of the flesh, even those who are learned, come to a point where they are not able to receive the truth and are therefore tossed around by their own fleshly desires and every wind of teaching that comes their way claiming to be Christian. They are not able to give a defense for the hope that they have, because their carnality and therefore lifestyle are contrary to the truth. These are the ones who cause divisions among the saints while claiming to be doing good.
Let us examine ourselves. Are we focusing on the desires from the flesh? Are we going to assemblies that make us feel good but know that the content of the message has little if any value in life? These types of environments produce Christians who are inarticulate babblers because they are carnal, always learning but never coming to a full experiential knowledge of Christ. Rather, let us reject the things of the flesh, including religiosity and divisions, and with a mind framed on the things above train our senses to know the difference between what is proper and what is wrong so that we act according to who we are in Christ, as sons, no longer remaining as inarticulate babblers.
Cowardice (δειλία)
For the God has not given us a spirit of cowardice, but inherent ability and love and a saved frame of mind – 2 Timothy 1:7
Cowardice means to lack mental or moral strength. Jesus uses this concept of cowardice with the disciples when they feared for their lives while in a storm on the sea, in which Christ was in the stern of the boat asleep. Having woken Him up because the waves were covering the boat, they pleaded with Him to save them. Jesus responds to their fear with asking them why they are being cowards, and then rebukes the wind and the sea, Matthew 8:26. At this point the disciples were aware that Jesus is the Messiah, and they had already seen some very incredible signs proving that He is in fact God in the flesh. Their cowardice was unfounded, for all they had to do was watch Jesus and they should have known not to fear.
In the upper room, just prior to Christ’s death and resurrection, when Jesus is giving the disciples instructions concerning the new relationship that is about to come into existence between God and man because of what He will face and His imminent victory over death and Satan, Jesus tells them that He leaves His peace with them. My peace I leave with you. My peace I give you. Not just as the world gives, I give you. Stop letting your heart be troubled nor cowardly, John 14:27. This peace that Jesus spoke about is one of the aspects of the fruit from the Holy Spirit by which the mind can be in an unruffled state, Galatians 5:23-24. The Christian has the ability, because of the filling of the Holy Spirit, to possess a mind that can in fact be secure enough to sleep during a storm that is swamping the boat they are in – so to speak.
In contrast to a cowardly spirit, God has given to us an inherent ability. This ability involves being able to live out the life we have in Christ, even when we face false imprisonment or persecution for speaking the truth, because He has given us all things pertaining to life and godliness by His promises, 2 Peter 1:3. This tasting of the inherent ability of the coming age makes it impossible for us to lose our salvation, Hebrews 6:5, for we cannot be brought again to a change of the mind, because the Gospel has the inherent ability to save and no one can take that away, Romans 1:16. Even when we sin we still belong to God and He deals with us as children, not as sinners, 1 Corinthians 11:32. This inherent ability is because we are in Christ, and when we are living a life that manifests who we are in Christ, cowardice is not a part of our lifestyle.
Along with an inherent ability to live out the righteousness we have in Christ, God has given to us love and a saved frame of mind. This type of love always seeks the best for the one loved and never fails, 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. A saved frame of mind focuses on the truth. A mind that is framed on the things above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God, Colossians 3:1-3, so that we are setting aside the things of the old man and putting on the new man, who is being renewed in full experiential knowledge according to the image of the One who created it, Colossians 3:10. For we are the sons of God; the children of the light, and light fears no darkness, Ephesians 5:8.
The Inarticulate Babbler Out of the Mouth
At that time Jesus answered saying, “I agree with You, Father, Lord of the heaven and the earth, that You have concealed these things from wise and intelligent ones and have revealed these things to inarticulate babblers” – Matthew 11:25.
After Christ drove out those who bought and sold in the Temple, He healed the blind and lame that came to Him. However, the Chief Priest and Scribes expressed indignation over children crying out in the Temple saying, “Hosanna to the Son of David”, Matthew 21:15. In their position and due to the requirements of their studies to hold those positions, they should have known that God stated that His praise would be established out of the mouth of the inarticulate babbler, Matthew 21:16. This is one of the few cases in Scripture were the word “inarticulate babbler” is actually referring to children of an age where they lack knowledge and are therefore still under tutors and governors. Typically, “inarticulate babbler” is used of those who are grown up, but still act as though they are little children. Yet, the Chief Priests and Scribes’ concern was not in the incredible miracles that Christ did, but that the children were calling out for Him to save them.
The education of men does not override the truth from God. The Chief Priest, Scribes, and religious sects of the time stood against Jesus because they could not understand His speech, John 8:43. Not because they lacked knowledge or wisdom from a worldly perspective, but because His words were truth, and they were out from their father the devil. These where the ones who went to the best schools and had very high positions of esteem due to their vast knowledge, yet they held the teaching of men in higher regard than Scripture. On the other hand, those who did not go to the greatest schools in Jerusalem and were considered nothing more than inarticulate babblers to the leaders of Israel, they received the truth. After the resurrection of Christ when Peter and John were being examined by the Chief Priest and Elders for teaching concerning the resurrected Messiah, Peter drops some truth on them that makes them marvel. These men that were healed by their hands were a sign to let all the people of Israel know that Jesus, Whom they crucified, was raised by God out from the dead and therefore the stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone, for salvation is by no other, Acts 4:13. Realizing that Peter and John were uneducated and untrained they marveled. Uneducated means they were not of the letter, or scribes. And untrained means they lacked skill. It was not that Peter and John never went to school; rather, they did not go to the schools in Jerusalem and therefore where considered to have an inferior education.
Education is very important; however, a degree in heresy from a prestigious school does not make what that person teaches truth. Even in secular schooling, a school becomes known for the quality of education it provides. Today many schools previously known to have a high standard for their students now offer an education that most believe to be worthless because their degrees are no longer based upon the highest quality of a student’s achievements in knowledge; rather, they are more of a participation trophy. Unfortunately, this same philosophy has infected many Christians schools and seminaries. God has taken the wisdom of this world and made it foolishness, for it is not based upon truth, 1 Corinthians 1:20. Even though the schools of the world are failing in teaching the truth, we are not to be inarticulate babblers concerning the truth in Scripture. Education is very important for all saints, especially for one who holds the position of a Pastor. Having a man in the position of a Pastor that is a novice not only puts that person at risk of an attack from Satan, but through him the entire assembly is compromised, 1 Timothy 3:6. Our local assemblies are for the purpose of equipping us so that we come to a oneness of faith, no longer tossed around by every wind of teaching by the trickery of men. Therefore, they should not only be educating the saints, but raising up men who can teach, 2 Timothy 2:2. Some assemblies are able to set up seminaries where others provide Bible classes for more advanced education; however, even the weekly meetings should be used for edification by building up knowledge and application in truth. These are the types of assemblies we need to seek out. Today, because we are in the Laodicean period of the Church on earth, these assemblies are typically smaller, for they know that the truth of God’s Word is of far greater value than the riches the world offers.
Therefore, let us not remain those who must be fed milk, never learning to handle the deep things of the Word. Rather, moving on from the basic principles of the Christ, let us go on to maturity as we set aside dead works and live out from faith the righteous life in Christ that we now possess.
Administration (προΐστημι)
Often translated as “Rule”, “Administration” comes from a word that means, “to stand before”, and is used concerning those in a leading position. This is not the type of ruling where a person is the final word on all matters, such as a king or lord, Matthew 20:25.
Those who have the Spiritual gift of administration are to lead with diligence, Romans 12:8. Within the assembly we should recognize the labor of those in a leadership position, 1 Thessalonians 5:12. Neither of these activities exercise lordship over others. The one with the Spiritual gift of administration will naturally take a leadership role in organizing and managing when fellowshipping and showing love towards other saints. Within the local assembly there can be lead positions other than the Pastor and Deacons. These types of positions would relate to teaching and the managing of the daily tasks, or events for the church, under the authority of the Pastor and Deacons.
“Ruling” is not the same as being the master or head of the household. The father is the head of the household, but the wife is the master (despot), 1 Timothy 5:14. As the head of the family, the father is responsible for knowing and following the desirous will of God for them, Ephesians 5:28-33. The wife manages the household where the husband is the head to give directions relating to God’s will and administers over the household. Therefore, the wife is placed into a proper position with the husband, who being the head, brings her alongside to rule with him, not under him, for she is a helpmeet, not a servant.
The man who holds the position of a pastor is to rule (administer) his household properly, 1 Timothy 3:4-5. In the same way the men who hold the position of a Deacon are to administer their households, 1 Timothy 3:12. This involves organizing and managing the household so that things are done in a proper manner. Within the position of a Pastor, one of the aspects of shepherding is being in a lead position. Those who lead well are to be counted worthy of double honor, 1 Timothy 5:17. This is not a position of lording over others, or in more modern language, being the CEO, 1 Peter 5:3, for Christ is the head of the Church, not the Pastor.
When it comes to the individual Christian, we all have some aspect of ruling or administering within the assembly, for we are to be careful to administer over our proper works, Titus 3:8, that meet the needs of the saints, Titus 3:12.
Therefore, those who are in a position of authority let them administer their position properly, being careful to maintain proper works and organization so the needs of the saints are met. Never exercising authority over those who submit to their leadership, but guiding, leading, admonishing, and caring for them so that all things are done in a proper way to the glory of God.
The Human Nature and How it Relates to Adam and the Christ
In discussing the human nature, there are major theological differences, especially in the realm of the spirit and soul. These disagreements are not discussed in this paper but will certainly influence the reader’s perception of what is stated. The author highly encourages the reader challenges their own thinking on this matter by solely relying on Scripture rather than theology to strengthen their understanding of and confidence in the truth regarding the human nature. This paper in no way implies, supports, suggest, or reveals that there is any change in the clear separation of the pre-Testament, Israel, Church, or Millennial Kingdom saints. These groups of believers have different promises with different content to their salvation and will always be distinct.
Where does the human soul and spirit come from? We know that the body comes from the parents, but what about the other parts of the human nature? To understand this, we are going to examine what Scripture reveals about where the body, soul, and spirit originate from and how this unique creation of God propagates, along with the fact that even though we share in our nature, we are individuals and personally liable to God.
In the creation of humans, we have two stories in Scripture that give us details on our beginning. These stories are not in contrast to one another; rather, the second one gives us more details on what God did in creating humans. In Genesis 1, we are given an overview of the renovation of the earth and the creation of Adam. God created humans; male and female1, yet He did not create both male and female. As we examine chapter two of Genesis, we find that Adam is the only one created, where Eve is built from his side. God formed Adam from the dust of the ground and breathed the breath of lives into him2. Then after Adam was formed God did something very interesting, which is often overlooked. Prior to the woman’s existence, God formed and showed Adam all of the animals upon the earth. The purpose was to show Adam that there is no help meet (one like before him – כְּנֶגְדֹּֽו) within any of the beasts of the field or the birds of the air3. God chose to make all of the animals from the earth and then take them to Adam4, not calling the animals that were already walking upon the earth, for God had made them before He formed and created Adam, who was created on the sixth day, the birds and fish were made on the fifth and beasts of the field on the sixth day, prior to Adam. Rather, God made the ones He showed Adam so he could see what He was doing5. Therefore, seeing how He made the animals, Adam could come to a logical conclusion that there is none like him, which is shown in the fact that he named them, completely refuting evolution before the theory was ever introduced to men. Adam naming the animals shows a great level of intelligence and mastery of language. When God created him, he was fully mature and highly intelligent, and therefore would have understood what God was doing on a level that we would have a hard time fathoming today. When God created Adam, He made it possible for both male and female to exist within this new creation, Genesis 1:27; however, only Adam, the first male, was created.
After God created Adam, He then built the woman from his side and brought her to Adam6. When Adam saw the woman, his response was not only that she is bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh, but also that a man will leave his father and mother to be joined with a wife and they will become one flesh7. Therefore, she is not an individual creation, which is why Adam’s trespass and sin also impacts females. Her body, soul, and spirit came from Adam, just as their offspring will receive a body, soul, and spirit from them. God chose specific words in Scripture to describe how humans are created. He starts with a word that means to create out of nothing, first seen in Genesis 1:1, referring to the universe. This is describing a time long before the creation of humans when God made a home for the angels and a place in which Lucifer, the anointed Cherub, would reign from Eden over all that God had created8 9. In the creation of humans, God created Adam by forming him from the dust of the earth and then breathing the breath of lives into him, Genesis 2:7. Therefore, the physical body is made of something that already existed, but the soul and spirit of Adam were created out of nothing. He then built the woman from Adam’s side, Genesis 2:22. Because she is built, not created, her body, soul, and spirit came from Adam. Although Adam addresses the visible aspect of her being, bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh, the other parts of her would have also had to come from Adam, or God would have described how He made her in a different way, as He did with Adam. After the sin of Adam, and exclusion from the garden God planted for him, we are informed that their offspring is made in the likeness and image of Adam10. Their children are not in Adam and Eve’s likeness; rather, they are only in the likeness of Adam.
In 1 Thessalonians 5:2311, we find more specifics about the human nature in the fact that it has three distinct parts: body, soul, and spirit. The physical body is easy to identify, but the soul and spirit are not visible to the physical eye or able to be examined by modern technology; however, we can still understand that we have parts of us that go beyond our fleshly bodies, just like we know the wind exists because of its effect on us even though we do not see it. It is well documented from those who were resuscitated, that a person does not cease to exist when the physical body dies. Although there was no sign of life within the body, they reported knowing and understanding things going on around them. We will exclude from the evidence of life after death those who claim fanciful stories of meeting Jesus or going to heaven or hell that contradict what Scripture states. It is also known in the medical field that the state of mind of a person can dramatically impact their healing and wellness. Although our soul cannot be physically examined, it can be studied and understood, because even though we cannot see it, we can identify the impact it has on us. Even to the point of manipulation, such as with social media, which is specifically designed to impact the emotions along with the physical body by initiating a dopamine response to addict a person to the site, often resulting in depression when not using social media12. Younger people are especially vulnerable to this manipulation of the soul. However, none of this really explains what the soul and spirit are, or where they come from, but Scripture does. 1 Corinthians 2:11, reveals that the spirit is our rational, intellectual part. “For what man intuitively knows the things of a man, except the spirit of the man, the one in him …”. Where the soul is expressed as our emotional center (Psalm 6:3; 35:9; Job 21:25; Proverbs 27:7). Therefore, soul and spirit are not the same things, and God’s word can divide between them, Hebrews 4:1213. Along with these three parts, we have a heart. The heart is the center of a human in which the determinate will and person resides. What comes out of the heart of a human is what defiles them, Matthew 15:1814, for out from the heart comes malignantly evil debating, senseless slaughters, adulteries, fornications, theft, false witnessing, and blasphemy, Matthew 15:1915. Also it is out from the heart that we obeyed the doctrine delivered to us, Romans 6:17. And the Spirit searches the heart, knowing what we need, Romans 8:27. Therefore, the human nature consists of three specific parts, a body, soul, and spirit that possess an individual heart and person.
Taking a look back at the creation of Adam and building of Eve, we find that the woman is not a separate creation of God, for she was built from the side of the male, who was the only one created. Therefore, her soul and spirit came from Adam. When Adam and Eve had a child, it was Adam’s image and likeness after his fall that was passed down, not Eve’s, Genesis 5:3. Therefore, when a child is conceived, at the point of conception, a new life is formed. This new life is based upon the life of the father and mother. The body of the child comes from the physical flesh of the parents. We know that 23 chromosomes come from each of the parents to produce the body of the child. However, the human nature is not just made up of flesh, but soul, and spirit; therefore, human beings require three parts, body, soul, and spirit, 1 Thessalonians 5:23, in order to be humans. Two of these parts are immaterial yet must exist at all times within the individual in order for them to be human. A child cannot be born without a spirit, or without a soul, for this would make them no longer a human being. The soul is in the blood16 and is passed down through the male. Therefore, the soul is not something that exists before conception. Although, we do not find a specific area speaking of how the spirit is transferred, we have enough information to know that the spirit is also passed down from the male. Both soul and spirit have to come from the male or the penalties for Adam’s trespass and sin would not pass down to all humans. Adam’s sin brings physical death to all, impacting the body and soul17 and his trespass brought spiritual death to all, separating the spirit from God18. Since in order to be human, we have to have all three parts, all three parts must be present within the womb, for a person in the womb is an individual, capable of being known19 and showing emotions20, demonstrating they also have a heart and are an individual human. The process within the womb of a child growing is referred to as being made21 and formed22, but not created. For we are not individual creations, but one single act of creation. Therefore, the only part of a human that is unique is the person. Just as Eve was a separate person from Adam, although she came from his side, children are individual persons as a result of propagation. Our individuality is expressed through our desires, determinate will, and mind. The mind is an aspect of intelligence and consciousness manifested as combinations of thoughts, perceptions, memories, emotions, desirous and determinate wills and imaginations that are distinct to a human. It is the stream of individual consciousness within a being. Because this person is unique, he or she is directly liable to God for what is done in the body 23 24, even though being under condemnation from Adam, because all humans, and all their parts, come into existence through propagation.
If the soul and spirit did not come from Adam, then Eve’s transgression would only impact females, and Adam’s trespass and sin would only effect males. This is also true if any part of the human existed before conception and joins with a human body. That would make each of us individual creations and therefore not subject to the condemnation from Adam’s trespass. However, Scripture states that it is Adam’s sin that brings physical death to all25, both male and female, and Adam’s trespass that produced spiritual death in all26, both male and female. We are born in sin27, because of Adam’s sin. We also see this same type of concept in how the sins of the parents can impact their children, for when God punished Adam and Eve for breaking the law and eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, Eve is given a specific punishment in childbirth for her transgression, which still impacts females today28, where Adam’s punishment impacted the ground, filling all our days with labor. Along with the fact that in death we all will return to the earth we came from because of his sin29. The earth was impacted because Adam ruled over all that was made upon the earth; therefore, even creation suffers because of Adam’s sin30. Physical death came to the female because she is built from the male, not from Eve’s transgression, and therefore since the head has become corrupt, the entire body, including hers, has also become corrupt. The only part of Eve that could therefore be distinct from Adam is her person, for Eve was thoroughly deceived, so she did not trespass as Adam did31. Since Adam was not deceived, he first trespassed and then sinned by knowingly decided to break God’s law when he determined to act upon that desire to take from the forbidden fruit his wife offered him. It is these two processes that impacted the entire human race by subjecting us to physical death and separating us from God within our spirits.
Since all humans are of one creation, in saving us from the penalties of the trespass and sin of Adam a new head would need to be created that is righteous. This righteousness could then be applied to all those in this new creation32, along with the gracious gift of eternal life33. These gifts can only be imputed to those within the body because the head is righteous34. In the resurrection of Christ, God made a new creation. This new creation is referred to as “The Christ” in Scripture. Context is important to understand when Scripture is referring to the person of Christ, or this new creation. In 2 Corinthians 5:17, we are informed that Christ is a new creation, and as a result of this new creation the archaic things have passed away and all things have become new.
Wherefore, since someone is in Christ, a new creation, the archaic things have passed away, behold all things have become new.
There are some translation issues within this passage that cause a lot of confusion. In many English translations, “He is” is added to the verse changing the meaning to imply that the person is a new creation. And in some translations, the word “creation” is mistranslated as “creature”. “κτίσις”, means a creation, where “κτίσμα”, is a creature35, for the creature is the result of an act of creation. Therefore, the normal lexical definition of this word negates the erroneous translation of a new creature. As far as adding in “he is”, this is outside the normal grammatical structure of Greek sentences to add in a subject and verb that do not agree with the context. The pronoun “τις” takes on the gender of its noun. And when “τις” is used to express “anything” as something, it is always used with the present verb “εἰμί”. Acts 13:15 – if some word of encouragement is in you (εἴ τίς ἐστιν ἐν ὑμῖν λόγος παρακλήσεως). Titus 1:6 – if anyone is blameless (εἴ τίς ἐστιν ἀνέγκλητος). James 1:23 if someone is a hearer only of a word (εἴ τις ἀκροατὴς λόγου ἐστὶν). In each of these occurrences, “τις” agrees grammatically to the noun it refers too. When there is not a grammatical connection, the noun is used, not a pronoun. Such as with 1 Corinthians 11:25 where the cup is a new covenant (τοῦτο τὸ ποτήριον ἡ καινὴ διαθήκη ἐστὶν). We see an example of this grammatical connection for “τις” in Romans 8:39 where “τις” agrees with created (τις κτίσις ἑτέρα); no other creation can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. This grammatical and syntactical error reminds me of another section of Scripture where the grammar is ignored to justify a theological viewpoint that is not Scriptural. In 1 Peter 1:1-2 the word “elect” is moved in many English translations from in front of the word “pilgrims” down to before “foreknowledge” to imply that people are elected according to God’s foreknowledge. “ἐκλεκτοῖς (elect) παρεπιδήμοις (pilgrims) διασπορᾶς Πόντου, Γαλατίας, Καππαδοκίας, Ἀσίας καὶ Βιθυνίας κατὰ πρόγνωσιν θεοῦ πατρὸς” compared to the erroneous translation, “To the pilgrims of the Dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, 2 elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father”. Although this paper is not intended to examine why predestination is not Scriptural, one of the most significant passages refuting this is 2 Peter 3:9, for God did not determine that certain ones would perish, but that all should come to a change of mind. All this is to show that within the normal structure of the Greek language we would never jump over words to attach other statements that do not grammatically agree with each other, and it is very important to base our understanding of Scripture from the original languages because there are areas where our English translations miss the mark. This is not to say that our English Bibles have no value, for by far they do a good job in translation, but there are a few areas that can cause a lot of confusion due to incorrect interpretations of Scripture being added to the translations. Therefore, it is not someone who is in Christ who is the new creation, but the Christ is the new creation. This new creation is also defined in Galatians 6:15, where there is no issue with it clearly referring to Christ Jesus as a new creation. Why is this important to understand? It goes back to how we as humans were created and what happens in salvation. We are one creation; therefore, no part of us is a separate act of creation. As a single created being, we have to have a head and the condition of this head impacts all. We even see this relationship in how the sins of a father can physically, spiritually, and emotionally impact his children for generations, such as one who is addicted to alcohol passing that on. Adam became a living soul, where Christ, being the last Adam, is a life-giving spirit36. By creating a new man, God is able to take us out of Adam and place us into the Christ, where there is no longer any condemnation37. However, we cannot become a new creation, in and of ourselves, for as humans we require a head. Since Christ is the head of this new creation, His single offering can be applied to all humans. Christ died once for all for sin38. There is no other sacrifice39. Therefore, He does not keep on sacrificing Himself, which would be required if we are all individual creations.
When a person is saved today, their spirit becomes alive unto God40. Adam passed along a spirit that was separated from God, dead to Him. In salvation, we are born again from an incorruptible seed41, and it is a birth from above42, giving our spirit life. Our spirit does not come into existence at this time, for it has to already exist in order for us to be human and to be born again; however, it was dead (separated from) to God. The new birth gives us eternal life; however, all humans possess everlasting life43. For this reason, the spirit is still alive within unsaved humans, yet dead, because it does not have eternal life. When God’s seed is placed into the believer44, that person becomes alive to God and partakes in a quality of the Divine nature45. The Holy Spirit then immerses the believer into the Christ, removing the old and bringing in the new46. This immersion renders ineffective the believer’s position in Adam, by God’s imputation of Christ’s death and resurrection47. At first, this salvation is limited to the spirit, where the body and soul are saved at our resurrection48. Therefore, we exist at this time in a transitional state, where our spirit is alive to God and connected to the Christ, but our body and soul are still connected to Adam. Although we do not receive a new body at salvation, nor is our soul saved until we receive our resurrected body49, this does not lessen the impact that being in the new creation has on us today. For we are in Christ and have been given the Holy Spirit as a guarantee of our full redemption50. Therefore, it requires that we use our spirit rather than our soul to govern our lives so that we are putting off the old and putting on the new51. This same concept is seen in a seed that has life within it, but that life has not yet manifested. When the seed dies, the life within it activates and grows, leaving behind the old body and expressing the life within it by generating a body that produces fruit according to the life within it52.
If we die before the resurrection, in this transitional state we still possess a body. It is likely to be of the same type of body as Adam’s before his trespass and sin, as he is the head of the human race, and we do not receive our resurrected bodies until the return of Christ when we all, those of the Church, alive and dead, are resurrected together53. What we do know about this body is that it will not have the sin nature, for the sin nature resides within this flesh we have today, that was received from Adam after his fall54. There are a couple of references in Scripture to the body after the physical death of the one we now possess. For a believer, in any dispensation, they are seen as at rest. The story of the rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16 gives us a glimpse into life after death for those prior to the Church. The rich man goes to the lowest part of Hades, where Lazarus is found in paradise with Abraham in the upper chamber of Hades, separated by a great chasm55. The requests from the rich man shows that he still has a physical body that recalls his former life, yet it is not the one he had on earth for it is decaying in the grave56. Scripture also describes the state of an unbeliever after death where the worm does not die, the worm referring to the sin nature57, showing that the body they receive still relates to Adam and the sin nature abides in it. As for what happens with Christians who die today, Paul describes his time in paradise not knowing if he was in this body or not. He had been stoned to death and dragged out of the city58. During this time, God permitted him to see paradise, but not to enter the third heaven, where the saints of the Church reside59. He is able to see and hear, even understand things that cannot be uttered in this life, which would require a physical body60. We clearly have a body after death, which is not the same one we have now. However, whether we live in this body, or the next one, we must have a head.
Even though we have a sin nature that comes from Adam, each human is individually liable for the actions that they do in the body because they have a unique person that allows the individual to make a determination of what they will do, and a conscience that will excuse or accuse them based upon the inherited knowledge of good and evil that all humans possess61. In violating God’s law, Adam became aware of the difference between good and evil. This knowledge was also passed down to his offspring, who are in his likeness and image62. The second dispensation was based upon ruling the sin nature because of this knowledge. God instructs Cain that he is to rule over the desires from the sin nature within him63. This was after he attempted to offer God a pleasing sacrifice from the works of his hands because Satan persuaded him to make the offering in an attempt to get others to follow his malignantly evil ways64. This dispensation ended in judgment because humans chose to go after that which causes calamity rather than seeking out and doing what is beneficial65. Although the conscience can be improperly trained, weak, or even seared, it does not start out that way66. Even from an early age we know when we are doing something wrong; therefore, we do not have the excuse that we are condemned in Adam for our actions. Eve made her own decision to transgress and was held liable for that action, along with being condemned because of Adam’s trespass and sin, and in the same way we are also accountable for what we produce67.
This brings us to the necessity for a new man in salvation. Christ is described as the last Adam68. However, only two Adams are described in Scripture, the first Adam and the last Adam. In saving humans, Christ died once for sin and this one sacrifice is sufficient for all of our sins69. As we are not an individual creation, the only way Christ’s death and resurrection could apply to all humans is for all to be in Christ70. Since in raising Christ from the dead God created a new head for the human race, He is therefore the one filling all things in all ways71. Although Scripture does not give us details on how others outside of the dispensation of grace relate to this new man, they still need a righteous head in order to be saved. And since it is Christ’s death and resurrection that also saves them, for God deferred punishment of their sins until the appropriate time in which Christ’s propitiatory work showed that God was just in not imputing their sins to them72, there is a logical connection to them relating to this new man. We also know from Scripture that the Church holds a special place of privilege in the Christ, for we are placed as sons, that is not held by saints of other dispensations. Therefore, in the resurrection, all saints prior to the dispensation of Grace, and all saints in the Millennial Kingdom will have a relationship to the new man. However, it will not be the same as the Church’s relationship, for God chose before the foundations of the world that He would mark off the bounds of some to be placed into the Christ as sons73. Although they will have a connection to the new man, there will be no mixing of Israel, the Church, Millennial Kingdom saints, or pre-Testament saints, for these groups are distinct and will always abide separate; however, in order for them to be righteous they also need a righteous head. The Old Testament does not give direct revelation concerning a new man because the Christ was a mystery prior to the dispensation of Grace74; however, Israel is told that God will take away their sins, giving them a new spirit and heart, along with promises given to the Gentiles concerning salvation75. The new man would have been created after the resurrection of Christ, even if there was no rejection of the Messiah by Israel, for God had already revealed that the Messiah would be cut off for a short time76. After the resurrection of Christ and the creation of the new man, Israel is given the opportunity to accept the salvation God has provided for them77. Paul speaks of this in stating that the placement of sons belongs to Israel78. Gentiles are allowed to be a part of the Church because of Israel’s rejection of God’s righteousness to stimulate Israel into being zealous for Him79. However, to be very clear, the revelation in the New Testament concerning the Church and the Christ is specific for the Church and does not relate to saints of other dispensations.
There is a clear contrast between Adam and Christ in the New Testament. Adam is associated with the old man, the archaic things, and Christ to the new. Those in Adam perish, but those in Christ have eternal life80. Although there are instances when Adam listened to God after his fall, the evidence in Scripture given concerning Adam and his offspring indicates that Adam was not saved. Taking into account the garments made by God for Adam and Eve out of animal hide, Adam did accept this, and there had to be a sacrifice made for them to get the coverings81; however, this sacrifice does not relate to the promise given concerning the seed of the woman crushing Satan’s head82. The sacrifice of this animal would have been necessary to prevent the immediate physical death of Adam and Eve because of his sin, and its value was passed down to their offspring as seen in Abel’s sacrifice83. It was a covering for sin, but not the same as a sin offering, which was not implemented until the Mosaic Law84. We also see this with Job’s sacrifices for his children in case they sinned and cursed God85. Therefore, it would have related to the propitiatory work of Christ, since God deferred passing judgment on the sin. Now concerning Eve, Scripture does state that she believed the promise from God for the one who would redeem them86. This response of faith pertaining to salvation is not recorded concerning Adam. As ones who received our condemnation from Adam, not even children are innocent87. After the fall of Adam and prior to the Mosaic Law, God was not counting personal sins against humans, yet physical death still reigned over all88, including infants. The human race lost its innocence when Adam sinned. In addition, because of Adam’s trespass, we are born separated from God in our spirit. David speaks of this in Psalm 51:5 where he describes the fact that he was born in sin, but not a sin committed by his mother, rather in the perversity that was passed down from Adam. This means that all perish because of Adam’s trespass and sin, including children. There are even times in Scripture where Israel is instructed to destroy a nation from the face of the earth, including their children, because of the sins of their fathers. We see this with the nation of Amalek. Saul is instructed to destroy Amalek, all of them, in 1 Samuel 15:3. Amalek is a nation that came up against Israel to wipe them out as they left Egypt. This was an unprovoked attack that was intended to utterly destroy the Jews89. Although the battle was won by Israel, the nation of Amalek was not destroyed at that time; therefore, God gave Amalek a promise that He will wipe them out from remembrance under the heavens90, and will therefore make war with them from generation to generation91. However, Amalek was going to be the last one to perish of the nations that came up against Israel92, so their total destruction came later as Israel was in the land. Saul is instructed to completely wipe out that nation; man, woman, child and even the beasts93. The sins of the fathers came down upon even the infants. Since death comes to all because of Adam’s sin, then all die because of Adam’s sin94. Therefore, even a child is not in a state of being innocent before God, even though we know that child has not committed any sin. In the case of Amalek, the sins of the father fell on the infants, and they were destroyed. Yet within this we see the mercy of God, for in allowing them to be destroyed before they could carry on the perversity of their fathers they would not fall under more judgment for their own actions.
What happens to children that die before they can seek God, or before they can take God at His Word to receive salvation? One of the most heinous acts from a human is to slay an infant, especially those who are still in the womb. These children have done no harm, nor committed a sin. In Job 3:16 we see a glimpse into what it is like for a child that does not see the light; a child that dies before being born. They are in a place of rest where the wicked cease from troubling. A place of rest is described as Paradise, also known as Abraham’s bosom to Israel. Not the lowest part of Sheol, where there is no rest95. We also find that there is value for the life of an infant that is in the womb through the Mosaic law. If a man harms a woman and she loses her child, his life is demanded96, for a life will be given for a life. The Mosaic law is righteous and logical97. Through it we are introduced to the value of life, even within the womb. We also see that God is in fact merciful to those who die before they are capable of expressing faith. David’s son is also given as an example of this. For David had committed not only adultery, but murder to cover up what he had done for the woman was with child. Although God put away David’s sin, the life of the child was demanded because of the blasphemy David brought upon the name of the Lord to their enemies98. This greatly grieved David, but God would not relent and on the seventh day the child passed away. Through David’s confidence that he will one day be with the child99, it is revealed that this child was in paradise, even though he did not have any way of expressing faith towards God. However, because we are all condemned in Adam, God is under no obligation to save any of us. This is what especially makes the senseless slaughter of infants in the womb such an egregious act, as it is unknown if that child is also being robbed of the possibility of salvation.
As humans we are all part of one creation and therefore the trespass and sins of Adam impact us all. We perish because of his sins and our refusal to accept salvation that God provides. However, for those who do accept His salvation, we do not become individual creations or creatures, but part of a new creation. This new man is righteous and therefore we are righteous because of His obedience100. Currently, we are in a state of transition between these two entities. Our spirit is connected to the new man, where our soul and body are connected to the old man. Therefore, we have a choice, we can govern our lives according to the new man or reject the truth and continue to live a life in the perversity of the old101. However, our actions do not come without consequences. Those who live according to the flesh are about to die, where those who put to death the works of the old man will live102. For God will not allow His own to be condemned with the world103. Therefore, we find in Scripture that humans are not individual creations, but a part of one creation and the head of that creation impacts all. The body, soul, and spirit all come from Adam. Therefore, Adam’s condemnation is passed down to all humans, subjecting us not only to physical death but the separation from God within our spirit causes our rational conclusions to lack understanding and truth. When God sent the Son, He formed a new body within the womb of Mary104. One that did not possess the corruption of Adam105. Even though wicked men put Christ to death, God showed He was righteous and that His sacrifice for sins was accepted by raising Him from the dead106. Therefore, within this New Creation the Head is righteous, and this righteousness is imputed to all within the body107. We are in Adam because we are born through the womb. We are in the Christ because we are born again in spirit and the Holy Spirit immerses us into the new creation108. Therefore, it is very important for Christians to understand that we are a part of a new creation which impacts every aspect of our lives. However, we only function from the new man through our spirit, not our emotions or through the desires of our flesh. So then, we should put off the old and clothe ourselves with the new, living the remaining time in the flesh to the desirous will of God109, for the reality is we are part of a new man and therefore we are righteous before God, the sin nature has been rendered ineffective, we have overcome Satan, and although we live in this world, we are not of it and therefore are not bound to follow its desires and corruption. We are the sons of God; therefore, let us walk as children of the light.
We are fleshly bound emotional creatures with logics who because of Christ are transitioning to Spiritually bound logical creatures with emotions.
1 And God created the Adam in His image, in an image of God He created him, male and female He created them. Genesis 1:27
2 And the LORD God formed the Adam of dust from the earth and breathed in his nostrils the breath of lives and the Adam came to be a living soul. Genesis 2:7
3 And Adam proclaimed names to all the beasts and to birds of the heavens and to all the living beings of the field and for Adam was not found a helper like before him. Genesis 2:20
4 And the LORD God formed from the earth all the living beings of the field and all birds of the heavens and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them, and all which Adam called them, a living soul, that was its name. Genesis 2:19
5 And God said, “Let the waters swarm with swarming living souls and birds flying over the earth upon the face of the firmament of the heavens”. And God created the great sea dragons and all living swarming souls which the waters swarmed with according to their kinds and all the winged birds according to their kind. And God saw it was good. And God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas and the birds multiply in the earth.”. And it was evening, and it was morning, the fifth day. Genesis 1:20-23
6 Then the LORD God built the side which He took from the Adam for a woman, and He brought her to him. Genesis 2:22
7 Upon thus a man will leave his father and his mother and cling to his wife and they will be for one flesh. Genesis 2:24
8 When the stars of the morning sang, and all the sons of God shouted together with joy. Job 38:7.
9 You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone was your covering: The sardius, topaz, and diamond, beryl, onyx, and jasper, sapphire, turquoise, and emerald with gold. The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day you were created. “You were the anointed cherub who covers; I established you; You were on the holy mountain of God; You walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones…” Ezekiel 28:13-14
10 And Adam was one hundred and thirty and he begot in his likeness according to his image, and he called named him Seth. Genesis 5:3
11 And may the God of peace Himself wholly sanctify you, and entirely of you, the spirit and the soul and the body, be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ
13For the Word of God is living and energetic and sharper than any two-edged sword and divides as far as the division of soul and spirit, joint and marrow, and judges the reflections and thoughts of the heart.
14 But those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man.
15 For out of the heart proceed malignantly evil thoughts, senseless slaughters, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies.
16 For the soul of the flesh is in its blood and I have given to you upon the altar to cover upon your souls because its blood by the soul makes a covering. Leviticus 17:11
17 Because of this, just as through one man the sin entered the world and through the sin the death, also thus unto all men the death passed, on the basis that all sinned. Romans 5:12
18 But not as the trespass, thus also is the gracious gift. For since by the trespass of the one man the many died, how much more the grace from God and the gift by grace by the one man Jesus Christ abounds unto the many. Romans 5:15
19 In the time you were formed, in the womb I knew you, and at the time of coming out from the womb I sanctified you, I set you a prophet to the nations. Jeremiah 1:5
20 For behold as soon as the voice of your greeting came unto my ears, the babe leaped with joy in my womb. Luke 1:44
21 Did not in the womb, the One Who made me make them? And this One establish us in the womb? Job 31:15
22 Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer. And the One forming you from the womb, “I am the LORD who makes all things. The One stretching out the heavens to a part, the One spreading out the earth from Me only.” Isaiah 44:24
23 And the sea (humans alive at the time) gave ups its dead, the ones in it, and the death and the hades gave the dead, the ones in them and they each were judged according to their works, Revelation 20:13
24 And since you call Father, the One Who impartially judges according to each one’s works, conduct your time of a stranger in respect, 1 Peter 1:17
25 Romans 5:12
26 Romans 5:15
27 Psalms 51:5
28 Genesis 3:16
29 Genesis 3:17-19
30 Romans 8:19-22
31 1 Timothy 2:14
32 Romans 5:17
33 Romans 6:23
34 1 Corinthians 1:30
35 1 Timothy 4:4
36 1 Corinthians 15:45
37 Romans 8:1
38 Romans 6:10
39 Hebrews 6:4-6
40 1 Corinthians 6:17
41 1 Peter 1:23
42 John 3:3
43 Matthew 18:8
44 1 John 3:9
45 1 Peter 1:3
46 1 Corinthians 12:12-13
47 Romans 6:3-6
48 Romans 8:23
49 1 Peter 1:9
50 Ephesians 1:13-14
51 Ephesians 4:22-24
52 1 Corinthians 15:35-38
53 1 Thessalonians 4:16; 1 John 3:2
54 Romans 7:20
55 Luke 16:22-23
56 Luke 16:22, 24, 27-28
57 Isaiah 66:24
58 Acts 14:19
59 2 Corinthians 5:8
60 2 Corinthians 12:1-4
61 Romans 2:15
62 Genesis 5:3
63 Genesis 4:7
64 1 John 3:12
65 Genesis 6:5
66 1 Corinthians 8:7; 1 Timothy 4:2
67 2 Corinthians 5:10
68 1 Corinthians 15:45
69 Romans 6:10
70 Wherefore, since someone is in Christ, a new creation, the archaic things have passed away, behold all things have become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17
71 Ephesians 4:10
72 Romans 3:25
73 Ephesians 1:3-4
74 Ephesians 3:4; 5:32; Colossians 4:3
75 Ezekiel 11:19; 36:26; Isaiah 11:10
76 Daniel 9:26
77 Acts 2:36-38
78 Romans 9:1-5
79 Romans 10:19
80 1 Corinthians 15:22
81 Genesis 3:21
82 Genesis 3:15
83 Genesis 4:4
84 Exodus 29:14
85 Job 1:5
86 Genesis 4:1
87 Romans 5:12
88 Romans 5:13-14
89 1 Samuel 15:2
90 Exodus 17:14
91 Exodus 17:16
92 Numbers 24:20
93 1 Samuel 15:3
94 2 Corinthians 5:14
95 Deuteronomy 32:22
96 Exodus 21:22-24
97 Romans 7:14
98 2 Samuel 12:14
99 2 Samuel 12:23
100 Romans 5:19
101 Ephesians 4:22; Colossians 3:9
102 Romans 8:13
103 1 Corinthians 11:32
104 Luke 1:35
105 Hebrews 10:5
106 Romans 4:25
107 1 Corinthians 1:30
108 1 Corinthians 12:12-13
109 1 Peter 4:2
The Spark of Life ( נְשָׁמָה- Neshamah)
When God created Adam, after forming him from the dust of the ground, He breathed the breath of lives into his nostrils and Adam became a living soul1. Neshamah is used twenty-five times in Scripture to describe the breath of those who are living; however, it is only used twice with lives. God breathed the breath of life into Adam and during the description of the devastation of the flood upon the earth, all flesh that was upon the dry land died; all that had the breath of the spirit of lives within it, Genesis 7:22. This includes humans, birds, cattle, and beasts along with the Nephilim, who would also have possessed the breath of lives because they are a perversion of spirit and human beings that have a physical body. Animals are included because they have a fleshly based body and therefore must breathe just as the human body requires breath to live.
Breath by itself is primarily used concerning the breath in humans. In Joshua 11:11-14 all those who had breath were destroyed, but the animals were not. When God brought Israel into the land, the wicked inhabitants of the land was destroyed. As Joshua led them into the land, they fought against the kings and left none with breath alive2. Sometimes they wiped out the animals along with the humans, and other times they were permitted to take possession of the animals.
Ruach (רוּחַ) describes the spirit of a human, Job 32:8, Nephesh (נֶפֶשׁ) describes the soul, and Neshamah (נְשָׁמָה) relates to the life within the physical body. When God breathed the breath of lives into Adam, he became a living soul; therefore, the breath of life is not the soul, but the breath giving the physical body life. When a person loses the breath, it is described as breathing their last3. They do not cease to exist, but the physical body stops breathing and therefore the life within it ceases and the spirit and soul are transferred to an intermediate body, awaiting judgment or resurrection. All who have breath are to praise God, Psalm 150:6, for it is God who gives us breath and God who chooses when to take that breath from us, Isaiah 42:5.
Our breath comes from God, Job 33:4, and within it is given understanding of the Almighty, Job 32:8. However, it is only with Adam that we see God breathing the breath of lives into him. After that point, just as with the body, soul, and spirit, the breath is transferred to his offspring. Therefore, the breath of lives refers to the physical life of the body, not the immaterial parts of the human for the physical body requires breath to remain alive. This is not the case with the soul and spirit, for their life does not depend upon breath.
Does a child become alive only when they breathe for the first time? When God created Adam, He created His soul and spirit out of nothing, while forming His body from the dust of the ground and breathed the breath of lives into it so that his physical body came to life4. This breath is passed down through propagation in both animals and humans. When a person breathes their last breath, they do not cease to exist; therefore, the breath does not relate to the immaterial parts of a human. It is only the physical body that dies, not the soul or spirit. We also see within Scripture that within the womb a child is known and expresses emotions, demonstrating the person exists at this time, not at the point of breath5. In addition, there are several instances in Scripture of people still existing after their physical body has died. The rich man and Lazarus6. Jonah calling out from Hades7. Samuel being called from Paradise within Hades by Saul8. Paul entering Paradise at the edge of the third heaven9. All this shows that our life is not dependent upon our physical bodies and therefore the breath of lives does not relate to the soul or spirit of a human. It is limited to only the body in which the person, soul, and spirit are housed. Therefore, it also does not relate to when a child becomes alive, for within the womb the soul, spirit, body, and person already exist and when a child does not see the light, they are seen as at rest, not ceasing to exist10.
1 Genesis 2:7
2 Deuteronomy 20:16; Joshua 10:40; Joshua 11:11,14
3 1 Kings 15:29; 17:17
4 Genesis 1:27; 2:7
5 Luke 1:44; Jeremiah 1:5; Job 31:15
6 Luke 16:22-28
7 Jonah 2:1-2
8 1 Samuel 28:7-15
9 2 Corinthians 12:1-4
10 Job 3:16-19