Colossians Putting On the New
and put on as an outer garment the new, the one being renewed unto the full experiential knowledge according to the image of its Creator.
Revelation: The Resurrection of the Two Witnesses
And after the three and a half days, a breath of life out from God entered into them and they stood upon their feet and great fear fell upon the ones watching them. And they heard a great voice out from heaven saying to them, “Come up here.” and they ascended into the heaven in the cloud and their enemies watched them.
Demonology Lesson 3
The authority the Church has over demons
Colossians Putting Off the Things of the Flesh
Having risen with Christ we are to set our minds on things above and put off the desires from the flesh by using the truth
Revelation War with the Two Witnesses
The two witnesses, timing and death
Demonology The Study of Fallen Angels Lesson 2
The personality, activities, and abilities of demons