1 Corinthians 15:4

Apostle (ἀπόστολος)

An apostle (ἀπόστολος) is a messenger who is sent out on a specific mission; however, unlike a regular messenger who delivers a message, an apostle is sent with a specific task to perform while giving the message.

Christ sent out the 12 apostles to the Jews during His earthly ministry to proclaim the message of the kingdom of the heavens, Matthew 10:5-42. They were not to take any provisions with them for their journey or go into any city of the Gentiles nor to the Samaritans, for they were sent only to the lost sheep of Israel. Herod sent forth men with a specific mission to slay all the children in Bethlehem who were two years old or younger after the Magi left the region, having been warned by a messenger, failing to report where they found the King of the Jews, Matthew 2:16.

In a single act of expressing love towards the inhabited world, God the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world, 1 John 4:14. He sent Him on a specific mission so that through Him we should have life, 1 John 4:9. In this we know love, for God sent His Son to be a propitiation for our sins, 1 John 4:10.

When Christ ascended, He gave gifts to men for the edification of the Church to bring us to a oneness of the faith so that we are no longer tossed around like inarticulate babblers by every wind of teaching by the trickery of men, Ephesians 5:8. Of these gifts were the Apostles, Ephesians 5:11. Twelve of them to the Church. These twelve laid down the foundation of the Church, built upon Christ, giving us the entire revelation concerning the […]

Apostle (ἀπόστολος)2023-12-23T11:45:52-08:00


Scripture defines faith (πίστις) as the substance of that which is hoped for, the conviction of accomplished deeds not seen in Hebrews 11:1. It is therefore not an attitude or belief that is dictated by probability, that is wishful thinking based upon a desire, want, or need; rather, it is a conviction based upon a promise.

Substance is referring to the underlying essence by which something exists. Christ is the exact image of God in the flesh. Through His life the fundamental nature of God was made visible to humans, Hebrews 1:3.

Conviction is the act of presenting evidence to persuade a person’s mind to believe in the truth. This evidence is established upon accomplished deeds that are not seen. We see this demonstrated in the actions of God when He determined to show the heirs of promise the immutability of His determination by giving two immutable facts, it is impossible for God to lie and making an oath based upon His word, Hebrews 6:13-18. The conviction of faith is therefore based upon the facts related to accomplished deeds that God has done.

Therefore, faith is the essence of that which is hoped for, and by the conviction based upon the facts of the promise that hope is based upon, the individual expressing belief will act according to their confidence in the person making the promise.

Many times in Scripture Jesus called out the faith of those around Him, especially of those who would not normally have faith. When a Centurion, a Gentile, asked Jesus to heal his servant, he expressed faith in the fact that Christ is the Messiah promised to the Jews by only asking that Jesus speaks the words, for one who is of authority only […]


The Death and Resurrection of Christ

The Crucifixion of Christ – Wednesday Afternoon, Luke 23:33

The Reason for the Cross, John 12:32

Part of the Father’s Will, Philippians 2:8

A Result of the Father’s Single Act of Love to the Inhabited World, John 3:16

Two Deaths on the Cross

Prophecy Concerning His Deaths, Isaiah 53:9

Spiritual Death

Three Hours of Darkness Upon the Earth, Luke 23:44

Payment for the Trespass of Adam, Romans 5:17

His Physical death

He Breathed His Last, Luke 23:46

Required for sin, Hebrews 9:22

Payment for the Sin of Adam, Romans 5:12

The Tearing of the Veil‌, Mark 15:37-38

The High Sabbath Preparations, John 19:31

Three days and Three Nights in The Grave

The Prophecy of His Time in the Grave, Matthew 12:39-40

His Soul Will not be Left in Sheol, Psalms 16:10

His Body Will not be Allowed to Corrupt, Acts 2:31

Four Days before Corruption, John 11:38-39

The Day after the Crucifixion (The High Sabbath) – Thursday

Placing Guards at His Tomb,‌ Matthew 27:62-64

The Sabbaths of ‌The Feast of Unleavened Bread, Leviticus 23:4

The Passover Begins‌, Leviticus 23:5

The Feast of Unleavened Bread Begins‌, Leviticus 23:6

The High Sabbath, Leviticus 23:7

Two Sabbaths

Death of Christ on Wednesday Afternoon (The Day of Preparation)‌

The High Sabbath (First Day of Unleavened Bread) on Thursday‌

Workday on Friday‌ (Preparation for the weekly sabbath)

The Seventh Day Sabbath on Saturday

The Resurrection of Christ on the First Day […]

The Death and Resurrection of Christ2023-12-14T08:24:36-08:00
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