The Greatest Week in Human History
Why do you seek the living among the dead?
He is not here, but He is risen!
Why do you seek the living among the dead?
He is not here, but He is risen!
The Reason for the Cross, John 12:32
Part of the Father’s Will, Philippians 2:8
A Result of the Father’s Single Act of Love to the Inhabited World, John 3:16
Two Deaths on the Cross
Prophecy Concerning His Deaths, Isaiah 53:9
Spiritual Death
Three Hours of Darkness Upon the Earth, Luke 23:44
Payment for the Trespass of Adam, Romans 5:17
His Physical death
He Breathed His Last, Luke 23:46
Required for sin, Hebrews 9:22
Payment for the Sin of Adam, Romans 5:12
The Tearing of the Veil, Mark 15:37-38
The High Sabbath Preparations, John 19:31
The Prophecy of His Time in the Grave, Matthew 12:39-40
His Soul Will not be Left in Sheol, Psalms 16:10
His Body Will not be Allowed to Corrupt, Acts 2:31
Four Days before Corruption, John 11:38-39
Placing Guards at His Tomb, Matthew 27:62-64
The Sabbaths of The Feast of Unleavened Bread, Leviticus 23:4
The Passover Begins, Leviticus 23:5
The Feast of Unleavened Bread Begins, Leviticus 23:6
The High Sabbath, Leviticus 23:7
Two Sabbaths
Death of Christ on Wednesday Afternoon (The Day of Preparation)
The High Sabbath (First Day of Unleavened Bread) on Thursday
Workday on Friday (Preparation for the weekly sabbath)
The Seventh Day Sabbath on Saturday
The Resurrection of Christ on the First Day […]