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Mental (κάμνω) and Physical (ἐκλύω) Weariness

Mental weariness (κάμνω) is an exhaustion of the soul that impacts the mind. It can result from continual struggles, long, arduous journeys, or the accusing of the conscience for wronging another person.

James writes of the vow of faith by those who are mentally weary. In the early Church, the Elders (Pastors) would assist those who were physically sick (ἀσθενέω), praying over them and anointing them with oil, which was used for relief from sickness. However, for those who are having a mental issue, it is the vow of faith that will provide calmness. This vow is to correct a wrong done, which is causing a negative impact on the mind because of the weariness of the soul.

And the vow of faith will save the mentally ill and the Lord will raise him up and if he has done a sin, it will be forgiven him – James 5:15.

A physical weariness (ἐκλύω) can cause a person to lose heart. During His earthly ministry, Jesus fed a large crowd that had come out to hear Him speak on the Kingdom of the Heavens. He has compassion on them because they were exhausted from their journey, Matthew 9:36. A person who sows should not exhaust their strength, for in due time, he will reap from his work, Galatians 6:9. Sowing righteousness will take more time to reap than sowing to the flesh, which seeks instant gratification. Patience in doing good and taking time to rest is essential so we do not grow weary in overcoming what is wrong with good. As sons of God, He corrects us when we do wrong. We are not to become physically exhausted by this child-training, for the Lord rebukes those […]

Mental (κάμνω) and Physical (ἐκλύω) Weariness2024-04-04T13:48:14-07:00

Obtaining by Experience Something Happening (τυγχάνω)

To obtain by experience something happening (τυγχάνω) expresses the concept of hitting the mark or attaining; therefore, that which has occurred or been accomplished. However, it does not convey the idea of something a person seeks to obtain or gain through effort. Instead, it is when something happens; therefore, they have acquired it.

When Jesus spoke of a man who was on his way to Jerusalem from Jericho, it happened to him that thieves stripped, wounded, and left him half dead, Luke 10:29. This was not something that the man sought to attain, in the sense of seeking out. Rather, this happened to him.

In attempting to deceive Jesus into saying something by which they could accuse Him, the Jews question Him about a woman who had seven brothers, who each died without a child. Therefore, as was customary, she became the wife of each brother to pass on their seed. They inquired whose wife she would be in the resurrection. In response, Jesus states that those who are worthy of the age have attained the resurrection out from the dead and, therefore, do not marry, for they are like the angels in this matter, Luke 20:35. The resurrection out from the dead has happened to them.

In Ephesus, Paul taught in the school of Tyrannus for two years. During this time, it happened to Paul that God worked miracles through him so that all of Asia heard of the word of the Lord Jesus, both Jew and Gentile, Acts 19:11. In seeking to persuade Felix to put Paul to death, Terullus speaks of the peace that has happened to them under his leadership, Acts 24:2. Experiencing something happening can relate to obtaining care, such […]

Obtaining by Experience Something Happening (τυγχάνω)2024-01-25T11:37:15-08:00

Happy and Joy

Happy (μακάριος) is an attitude of enjoyment and delight, whereas Joy (χαρά) is contentment. In action, joy is rejoicing; however, it is different from exultation (ἀγαλλιάω), Matthew 5:12.

When the magi of the east saw the star of David rise, they knew the King of the Jews was born. They responded to this finding by rejoicing with very great joy because their discovery brought them happiness, Matthew 2:10. Zacharias is informed by an angel that the Lord has heard his supplication for a son. Elizabeth will bear him a boy, and he will have joy and gladness along with many others who will rejoice at his birth, Luke 1:14. In addressing the saints of Philippi, Paul expresses that they are his joy, Philippians 4:1. For they bring him a sense of delight just as the saints in Thessalonica, 1 Thessalonians 2:19, even though Paul has been separated from them through the persecution he was facing. Not only did they receive the gospel of the Christ, but they also took hold of eternal life through obedience to the gospel. During Christ’s ministry, as He proclaimed the gospel of the Kingdom of the Heavens, some of the Jews immediately received the message with joy; however, they were like seeds on stony ground that have no root, so they only endure for a short time, Matthew 4:16. Joy is not emotionally centered because it is also shown by the spirit beings, who do not possess a soul. There is great joy in heaven over one sinner changing his mind, Luke 15:7.

Unlike joy, which is often expressed in rejoicing because of satisfaction, happy is more of a state of mind. Happy is the man to whom the Lord does not […]

Happy and Joy2023-12-21T05:51:30-08:00

Vow (εὐχή)

A vow is a type of communication in which a promise is made to correct a wrong committed when the circumstances make it possible.

In the book of James, the author writes concerning a person that is having a mental issue due to them wronging someone else.

And the vow of the faith will save the mentally weary and the Lord will raise him up, and if he has done a sin, it will be forgiven him – James 5:15.

Unlike the previous sickness (ἀσθενέω), which is a physical aliment that a person was to call the elders of the assembly to communicate in worship and anoint them, this type of sickness (κάμνω) involves a weariness of the mind. It is used in exhortation for us to not become mentally weary or discouraged in our souls when facing persecution by considering Christ who endures such hostility from sinners against us, Hebrews 12:3. In the book of Revelation, the assembly of Ephesus is commended for bearing up and being patient against those who claim to be apostles that were not, for they labored for Christ’s sake and did not become mentally weary, Revelation 2:3.

When James talks about the vow of faith, there is the possibility of a sin being involved. However, remember not all wrong is sin; nevertheless, it is always an aspect of unrighteousness, which also has a negative impact on us and others. It is important to only call an action sin that God calls sin. Sin is specifically defined in 1 John 3:4 as an act of lawlessness. However, unrighteousness is the bigger term and can involve acts that are not in and of themselves sinful, but are still wrong, 1 John 5:17. As sons of […]

Vow (εὐχή)2023-11-25T07:39:21-08:00

The Crowns of the Church Saints – Crown of Life

Happy is the man who endures a temptation, because having come to be tested for approval, he will receive the victor’s crown of the life, which He promised to all the ones loving Him – James 1:12

The Crowns of the Church Saints – Crown of Life2023-11-27T10:41:22-08:00
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