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2 Corinthians Filling Up Holiness In Our Lives

Do not become unequally yoked with unbelievers, for what participation [is there] with righteousness and with lawlessness? And what fellowship [is there] with light facing darkness? And what agreement [is there] with Christ and facing Belial? Or what portion [is there] in faithfulness with unfaithfulness? And what putting together [is there] with the Holy of Holies of God with idols? For you are a Holy of Holies of a living God, just as the God said that I will dwell among them and I will walk and I will be their God and they will be My people. Wherefore, you come out, out from the midst of them and be separated, the Lord says. And do not touch from unclean and I will welcome you. And I will be to you for a Father and you will be to Me for sons and daughters, the almighty Lord says. Therefore having these promises, beloved, let us cleans ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, while filling up holiness in fear of God.

2 Corinthians Filling Up Holiness In Our Lives2023-11-25T08:02:08-08:00

Pious (ὁσιότητι)

Often translated as holy, it actually is expressing holiness in action. Holiness means to be separated, where being pious happens as we separate ourselves unto God in actions. This naturally results in the rejection in our lives of the things of the flesh, the world, and Satan because they are contrary to who we are in Christ.

As an apostle, Paul determined that men should worship in every place, lifting up pious hands. Hands that work out the holiness we have in Christ (1 Timothy 2:8 – Therefore, I determine while worshiping all men in every place lift up pious hands apart from wrath and dispute). He is not saying lift up your hands during a worship service or in Church while praying. He is saying that our hands are to work out the holiness that we have in Christ while we are giving God credit for Who He is and what He has done (worship).

One of the requirements of a Bishop (Pastor or Elder) is to be pious (Titus 1:8 but fond of strangers, fond of good, a saved frame of mind, just, pious, self-controlled). As one who is responsible for an assembly, there are specific Scriptural requirements to hold the position of a Pastor. These men are not to be self-willed, addicted to wine, fond of money gained through false means (tithing), but hospitable, fond of goodness, having a saved frame of mind, while holding fast the doctrine of the word of faith, which will result in a lifestyle that shows forth their separation unto God. Being pious is accompanied by righteousness and blamelessness (1 Thessalonians 2:10 You and God are my witnesses as pious and just and blameless we became…), as these are […]

Pious (ὁσιότητι)2023-11-25T08:02:56-08:00

Revelation The Seven Strikes Against Those Taking the Mark

The Second Strike, Revelation 16:3

The Seven Strikes are Directed at Those Who Took the Mark of the Beast and Worship his Image

The Second Angel Pours out His Bowl, Revelation 16:3

The Sea is a Reference to the Sea by Israel – Mediterranean Sea

The Second Trumpet Turned a Third of the Sea to Blood, Revelation 8:8-9

Now the Entire Sea is Turned Likened to the Blood of the Dead

The Third Strike, Revelation 16:4-7

The Rivers and Springs of Waters are Turned to Blood, Revelation 16:4

The Third Trumpet had turned a third of the waters to Wormwood, Revelation 8:10

Now the Springs of Water and Rivers are Turned to Blood

The Response of the Angel of the Waters, Revelation 16:5

The Angel of the Waters Worships God

Referring to Him as the Pious One – Holiness in Action

Giving Them Blood to Drink, Revelation 16:6

“They” Goes Back to Those who Received the Mark and Those Who Worship the Beast

These are Tribulation Saints and Prophets

Today We Do Not Have Prophets, 2 Peter 2:1

During the Tribulation Period There will Be Prophets Again, Joel 2:28-32

They are Worthy of His Strike Against Them for Killing the Saints and Prophets

Those Under the Altar Respond To The Second Strike, Revelation 16:7

Those under the alter killed by the harlot who see the just judgment of God on the ones who killed them, Revelation 6:9

They Respond With Worshiping and Praise

The Fourth Strike, Revelation 16:8-9

The Sun Begins to Super […]

Revelation The Seven Strikes Against Those Taking the Mark2023-11-25T15:32:53-08:00


The Letter to the Saints in Rome

Originally penned by the Apostle Paul through the leading of the Holy Spirit

Translation by Pastor Luther Walker

Copyright © 2021 by Luther Walker. All Rights Reserved.

PDF Version


This translation is intended to give a clear understanding of the original language, taking into consideration all available manuscripts to reproduce the original letter Paul wrote to Rome. The original language should always be considered the only authority by which each word, phrase, and all other parts of speech are based upon. Where additional information is needed to better explain the meaning and use of a word, a footnote has been added.
Because the book of Romans was originally a letter, it has been returned to its original form to reduce confusion to the reader by breaks in the middle of sentences and concepts caused by the addition of chapters and verses. However, to ensure ease in finding sections within the letter while still avoiding breaking the original form of the letter, the chapters and verses have been superscripted along with the addition of paragraphs and punctuations. Brackets and paratheses are used for clarification within the text.

Within this letter we find the Gospel of the Christ, which goes beyond initial salvation into the Christian life. Paul explains why humans who reject God are so corrupt in their lifestyles, the fact that they will face judgment for their actions, and that we as Saints should reject their way of life, choosing to be holy and follow God rather than men. Paul also explains the fact that we have a Sin Nature. A part of us that seeks to do the things that are […]

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