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The Definition of Love – Kindness

Love is longsuffering, love is kind … 1 Corinthians 13:4

Another aspect of God’s quality of love is kindness. One who is kind is described as having a good or benevolent nature or disposition, which will put others at ease. This is not an aspect of the human nature.

All turned away. They altogether became useless. There are no doers of kindness, there is not even one. – Romans 3:12

Unlike anywhere else in Scripture, here in first Corinthians Love is defined as a verb, where all other times it is a noun or adjective. Kindness is expressed in how we make others feel at ease around us not so much in an emotional sense, but an ease of mind, due to expressing a benevolent nature. This is the kind of person you feel comfortable around, not because they agree with you, on the contrary they are typically the ones that will call you out for doing wrong, but they do not judge, they do not speak harshly, mock, make fun of, or embarrass others. They are just good people to be around who understand the importance of having a benevolent disposition towards others.

If we want our lives to have a big impact on others, we need to pay attention to what God does, for it is the kindness of God that leads us to a change of mind, not hell, fire and damnation.

Or do you think little of the riches of His kindness, and tolerance, and longsuffering, not knowing that the kindness from God leads you into a change of mind – Romans 2:4

Without God showing us kindness, we would not be saved; therefore, this should be our same attitude and actions towards […]

The Definition of Love – Kindness2023-12-14T08:36:19-08:00

To Pull, Drag, or Draw (ἑλκύω)

To draw (ἑλκύω) expresses the concept of moving an object from one area to another by attraction or pulling.

During Christ’s earthly ministry, after Jesus declared that He was the bread of life that came down from heaven, the crowd following Him from the other side of the sea where He fed them began to murmur. They knew that Jesus was the son of Joseph, so how could He come down from heaven? In response, Jesus instructed them to stop murmuring, for no one has the ability to come to Him except the Father draws him, John 6:44.

When Jesus is lifted up, He will draw all men unto Himself, John 12:32. The time for the judgment of this world has come. Just as a seed of wheat must die to produce more, through His death, many more sons of the light will be produced, John 12:36.

After the death of Christ, the disciples returned to their fishing business. They spent the night out on the sea but did not have any success. In the morning, the resurrected Christ spoke to them from the shore and instructed them to cast out the nets on the other side of the boat. Once they did this, the catch was so large they could not draw it into the boat, John 21:6. Realizing the man on the shore was Jesus, Peter jumped into the sea and swam to shore while the other disciples drew the net to land, John 21:7.

After Paul rebuked a demon who had possessed a young slave girl to deceive people who lived in the city of Philippi because she was following Paul around, claiming that he was presenting a way of salvation, her masters dragged Paul and […]

To Pull, Drag, or Draw (ἑλκύω)2024-03-16T09:20:03-07:00

Obtaining by Experience Something Happening (τυγχάνω)

To obtain by experience something happening (τυγχάνω) expresses the concept of hitting the mark or attaining; therefore, that which has occurred or been accomplished. However, it does not convey the idea of something a person seeks to obtain or gain through effort. Instead, it is when something happens; therefore, they have acquired it.

When Jesus spoke of a man who was on his way to Jerusalem from Jericho, it happened to him that thieves stripped, wounded, and left him half dead, Luke 10:29. This was not something that the man sought to attain, in the sense of seeking out. Rather, this happened to him.

In attempting to deceive Jesus into saying something by which they could accuse Him, the Jews question Him about a woman who had seven brothers, who each died without a child. Therefore, as was customary, she became the wife of each brother to pass on their seed. They inquired whose wife she would be in the resurrection. In response, Jesus states that those who are worthy of the age have attained the resurrection out from the dead and, therefore, do not marry, for they are like the angels in this matter, Luke 20:35. The resurrection out from the dead has happened to them.

In Ephesus, Paul taught in the school of Tyrannus for two years. During this time, it happened to Paul that God worked miracles through him so that all of Asia heard of the word of the Lord Jesus, both Jew and Gentile, Acts 19:11. In seeking to persuade Felix to put Paul to death, Terullus speaks of the peace that has happened to them under his leadership, Acts 24:2. Experiencing something happening can relate to obtaining care, such […]

Obtaining by Experience Something Happening (τυγχάνω)2024-01-25T11:37:15-08:00

Propitiation (ἱλάσκομαι)

Propitiation (ἱλάσκομαι) is the act of making compensation, thereby providing a satisfaction. In the Old Testament, propitiation is found in the place between the cherubs on the Ark of the Covenant. The place of propitiation (ἱλαστήριον).

God set forth Christ as a propitiation through His blood to demonstrate His righteousness in the deferring of punishment for previously committed sins, Romans 3:25. Therefore, we are justified out from faith through grace, not through works, because Christ’s death for sin satisfies the righteousness of God in forgiving sins, Romans 3:24. Christ’s propitiatory work not only atones for the sins of those who are saved, but the entire world, 1 John 2:2. Therefore, God is just in permitting unrighteous beings into His presence while He demonstrates an aspect of His character to the spirit beings.

The Apostle John writes that God loved the world in this way, He gave His unique one-of-a-kind Son so that all the ones believing in Him would be saved, John 3:16. His Son made a propitiation for our sins and therefore makes it possible for us to be saved, 1 John 4:10. This is how God loved the world, by giving us a Savior Who was able to satisfy the righteousness of God and provide a sacrifice for the sending away of sin.

Under the Old Testament, The Mosaic Law, God had them build an Ark for the Covenant to reside within and as a place of propitiation for the sins of the people, Exodus 25:10. Often translated as mercy seat, the place between the Cherubim on the Ark was a place of atonement or propitiation, a place of covering (כַּפֹּ֫רֶת kapporet), not of mercy, Exodus 25:17. Either kindness (חֶסֶד kesed), Psalm 23:6, compassions (רַחֲמִים rahamim), […]

Propitiation (ἱλάσκομαι)2024-01-17T06:16:43-08:00

Fight (ἀγωνίζομαι)

In 1 Timothy 6:12, Paul encourages Timothy to fight the good fight of the faith. Fight (ἀγωνίζομαι) is a word that describes the struggle that an athlete has in striving to be the best in competition, 1 Corinthians 9:25. Unlike in a battle with Satan where we parlay (πάλη) against him by putting on the armor of God and standing firm, this struggle has to do with laying hold of eternal life; therefore, it involves the exercising of our senses to discern what is proper from what is wrong, Hebrews 5:14.

While Jesus was going through the cities and villages teaching on His way to Jerusalem, one of the disciples questioned Him concerning the number that would be saved, Luke 13:21. Jesus tells them that they are to struggle to enter through the narrow gate, not the way many will seek to enter, for those who do not enter through the narrow gate will not be able to find their way into the Kingdom of God, Luke 13:24. He then speaks of a time coming when the Master of the house will shut the door. All who are outside will not be permitted in, even though they claim to have eaten and drank in His presence while He taught. Jesus is the only way, and all those who seek salvation through other means will not find it, John 14:6.

Near the end of Paul’s life, while giving instructions to Timothy regarding the duties of a Pastor, he writes that he has struggled the proper struggle, for he guarded the faith, 2 Timothy 4:7. The faith Paul refers to is the doctrine concerning the good news of the Christ. Through Christ’s death for our sins, burial, and resurrection […]

Fight (ἀγωνίζομαι)2023-12-14T07:53:43-08:00
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