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Abstain (ἀπέχω)

Abstain (ἀπέχω) comes from the root “to have or hold (εχω)”, expressing the concepts of paid in full or sufficiency. In its general use it may also conveying the idea of deliberately avoiding or refraining from something; hence, abstain. Therefore, not holding onto something.

In expressing the concept of sufficiency, Paul uses ἀπέχω in Philippians 4:18 concerning the support he received from Epaphroditus, who was sent by the assembly to fulfill Paul’s physical needs. He conveys to them that he has no need for more, or they may abstain from sending more, because they have met the need.

The village of Emmaus is fully sixty stadia, approximately seven miles, from Jerusalem, Luke 24:13. ἀπέχω (apecho) is used to express its full distance being sufficiently completed by sixty stadia.

When speaking to the Jews about their righteous acts, Jesus warns them to not do them with the intent for others to see them. The one who does work in this manner receives in full what he deserves by the glory he acquired from men, Matthew 6:2, and, therefore, will not be rewarded by God.

In these latter times that we live in, we have many who have departed from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and the teachings of demons. These are the pastors that in hypocrisy speak lies, having their own conscience seared, forbidding marriage and teaching abstaining from food, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth, 1 Timothy 4:3.

An aspect of the desirous will of God is for the saint to abstain from fornication, 1 Thessalonians 4:3. Each of us is to know how to possess his own body in sanctification and honor, not in the […]

Abstain (ἀπέχω)2024-10-31T05:42:49-07:00

Example (τύπος)

An example (τύπος) represents the broader category, principle, or concept it relates to by providing a concrete and relatable demonstration of quality and characteristics. Therefore, example (τύπος) can also be used for an imprint or pattern.

After some of the disciples saw the resurrected Lord, they informed the others who were not present with them that Christ, indeed, was raised from the dead. Thomas responded to their report by stating that unless he saw the imprint of the nails in Christ’s hands, he would not believe, John 20:25.

While the Israelites were in the wilderness, God gave Moses an example of how the Tabernacle in which God would dwell among His people was to be designed, Acts 7:44. The Tabernacle was a shadow of the real heavenly Temple and, therefore, had to be done in accordance with all that God told Moses, Hebrews 8:5.

Adam was a type of the One to come that would save all those who believe in Him. Through Adam’s sin, he condemned the entire human race, for we all sinned in Adam, Romans 5:14. In contrast to the death that Adam brought, through the one to come, who is Christ, all are made alive, 1 Corinthians 15:22. In Adam we died, but in Christ we live. These two types explain the relationship the human race has to its head. We are not individually created beings; instead, we are propagated and, therefore, subject to the likeness and image of our head. After Adam trespassed and sinned, he had children after his likeness and image, Genesis 5:3. Therefore, his children, including us, are born spiritually separated from God and subject to physical death. All those who believe in Christ’s death for sins and […]

Example (τύπος)2024-08-29T07:33:52-07:00

Idle (ἀργός)

Idle (ἀργός) describes someone who has nothing to do or is unwilling to work and, therefore, lazy.

Words are important. Men will give account for every idle utterance that comes out of the mouth, Matthew 12:36. This is because the mouth speaks out from the abundance of the heart, Matthew 12:34. A good man will store up good treasure in his heart, where a malignantly evil one will bring forth malignantly evil things from the treasury of his heart.

Socialism is not a standard for the Church. As with secular socialism, when people are taken care of and allowed to be idle rather than work, they become lazy. However, within the assembly, the sharing of possessions can and should be done out of love. We are a community that cares for each other. Sharing is not to encourage laziness, for one who does not work is not to be permitted to eat, 2 Thessalonians 3:10. When a woman within the assembly becomes a widow, who is truly destitute having no living relatives, the local assembly is to care for her needs. This type of caring demonstrates our unity and love for the saints. However, if she is young or has other family members who can care for her, she is not to be financially provided for by the Church because of the danger of her becoming idle; instead, she is to marry, bear children, and manage the household, 1 Timothy 5:13.

The standards for a Pastor are essential for the assembly to know and to hold him accountable to. Paul left Titus in Crete to put things in order and appoint elders (pastors) in each of the cities, abiding by the guidance that Paul gave him, […]

Idle (ἀργός)2024-07-25T05:49:45-07:00

The Doctrine of the Nicolaitans

Nicolaitans is a transliterated word; therefore, there is no English equivalent. We must look back at the original language and translate its meaning into English to understand what it expresses. Nicolaitans (Νικολαΐτης) is a combination of two words: victory (νῖκος) and people (λαός). By compounding these words, they communicate a victory over the people; therefore, it is a person who holds a position of authority over the people.

The concept of the Nicolaitans doctrine comes from the Jews and the priestly structure under the law. From the very beginning of the Church, it is a false doctrine that continually attempts to creep into the local assemblies. The apostle John writes of this doctrine while addressing the first of the seven assemblies in the book of Revelation. Those in Ephesus were indifferent to the Nicolaitans doctrine, even though some attempted to impose it.

But this you have, that you are indifferent to the works of the Nicolaitans, which I also am indifferent to. Revelation 2:3.

In Christ, the distinctions of sex, class, and race have no value; instead, it is the new creation, Galatians 6:15. This new creation is the body of the Christ, in which Christ is the head and the Church is His body, 2 Corinthians 5:17; Ephesians 1:22-23. Within the body of the Christ, there is no separation based upon any of these statuses, for we are all part of one body, 1 Corinthians 12:13. The doctrine of the Nicolaitans is distinct from the Mosaic law, which implemented a priesthood and specific classes of people. However, in the local assemblies of the Church, the Pastors and other leaders are not separated from the congregation.

In its full form, the doctrine of […]

The Doctrine of the Nicolaitans2024-04-18T06:36:20-07:00
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