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Possession (περιποίησις)

Possession (περιποίησις) describes one’s personal property. It is rooted around the concept of what you are doing or making. Therefore, possession is not equivalent to acquiring (κτάομαι) as one who purchases citizenship, Acts 22:28, or has gold and silver, Matthew 10:9.

The Church is a personal possession of God, set apart as a royal priesthood, and chosen to proclaim the praise of the One Who called her out from darkness into His marvelous light, 1 Peter 2:9. Therefore, Christ gave the Church the Holy Spirit as a guarantee of her inheritance until the full redemption of the possession, Ephesians 1:14, for she is called to possess His glory, 2 Thessalonians 2:14.

When Christ ascended, He gave gifts to men. One of these gifts is a Pastor even teacher, who is responsible for the edification of the assembly to bring her to a oneness of the faith until a full experiential knowledge of the Son of God so that she is no longer tossed around by every wind of teaching by the trickery of men seeking to deceive her. Therefore, the Pastor is to take heed to himself so that he oversees and shepherds the assembly, for Christ purchased her through His blood and, consequently, she belongs to Him, Acts 20:28. Pastors who serve well in this duty will possess a good standing and great boldness in the faith, 1 Timothy 3:13.

The tribulation period is a time of judgment. First upon the dispensation of law, then in the latter half judgment upon the Gentiles. The Church will not be upon the earth at this time because God has not appointed her to any wrath but to possess salvation, 1 Thessalonians 5:9.

As possessions (περιποίησις) of God, for He is […]

Possession (περιποίησις)2023-12-14T07:59:01-08:00

A Pattern (τύπος)

A pattern (τύπος – typos) embodies the characteristics or function of a model. Scripture uses the concept of a pattern for a physical imprint, such as from a nail, along with the manner in which a person’s life is governed.

After the resurrection of Christ, Thomas, who was not at the tomb, questioned the testimony of the other disciples, claiming that unless he sees the pattern of the nails in Christ’s hands, he will not believe, John 20:35. While Israel was out in the wilderness they were given a pattern of the heavenly Temple, Hebrews 8:5, which is the same model the Temple in Israel was made from when Solomon first had it built, Acts 7:55. Even though during the time of God delivering Israel from Egypt, they all passed through the sea and were immersed in the cloud and sea while partaking of spiritual food and drink, God was not pleased with many of them because of their unbelief. These are a pattern for our admonishment that we should not strongly desire things that lack in character (are wrong) and not to become idolators and fornicators as they were, for God destroyed them in the wilderness, 1 Corinthians 10:6,11. It is a foolish Christian who thinks that grace is a license to sin. This one is not heeding the pattern given to us through those who rejected God and sought their own way, bringing destruction upon themselves. Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; we reap what we sow, Galatians 6:7-8.

Adam is a type or pattern of the One who is to come, for Christ is the last Adam, Romans 5:14; 1 Corinthians 15:45. Just as Adam’s trespass and sin impacted the whole human […]

A Pattern (τύπος)2023-12-14T08:06:26-08:00

Knit-together (συμβιβάζω)

Knit-together (συμβιβάζω) expresses closely connecting things together in a logical way.

When we go back to the root of this word, without the concept of close together, it is used of prisoners being put onto a ship, Acts 27:6. It is not the same as embarking, which is articulated by ἐμβαίνω as seen in Matthew 8:23. Therefore while putting the prisoners in the ship, the centurion did this in such a way as to ensure they are not mixed with anyone else, not just causing them to get onto the ship. Therefore, it predominantly relates to connecting things together in a logical manner based upon the facts.

After Saul’s encounter with the resurrected Christ on the Damascus road and his time in the desert training to understand what new thing God was doing, he returned to the city. However, this time, rather than seeking to imprison those who followed the way, he returned proclaiming that Jesus is the Christ and was confounding the Jews by knitting together the facts in the Old Testament that prove Jesus is the Messiah, Acts 9:22. Therefore, Paul was properly and logically closely connecting the revelations in the Old Testament concerning Christ to reveal that, in fact, Jesus is the Messiah.

As Paul traveled around spreading the Gospel of the Christ, the Holy Spirit forbade them from entering Asia. Arriving at Troas, Paul is given a vision in the night of a man of Macedonia. Through all of this, Paul logically closely associated what had happened and his vision in the night, concluding that the Lord wanted them to go to Macedonia and proclaim the gospel to them, Acts 16:10.

In 1 Corinthians 2:16, Paul asks a question concerning who has known the mind […]

Knit-together (συμβιβάζω)2023-12-23T06:42:45-08:00

The Inarticulate Babbler – No Longer Tossed Around

And on the one hand God gave the apostles, and on the other hand the prophets, and the evangelist, and the pastors even teachers, towards the equipping of the saints unto a work of service, unto a building up of the body of the Christ, until we all arrive at a oneness of the faith and the full experiential knowledge of the Son of God, unto a mature man, unto a measure of maturity of the fulness of the Christ, in order that we are no longer inarticulate babblers, tossed around and carried about by every wind of teaching by the craftiness of men in cunning scheming of deceit, but while speaking the truth in love growing up unto Him in all things, Who is the head, Christ – Ephesians 4:11-15.

Nepios (νήπιος), is a word that describes a stage in life when we are under governors and tutors while being trained and brought to maturity. The importance of a good education and the integrity of those teaching is very important for the proper growth and maturity of a student. When the teachers fail to speak the truth, and do not hold the students accountable, maturity is never reached.

…always learning and never coming unto a full experiential knowledge of the truth – 2 Timothy 3:7

This is true in secular and religious settings. Today our government schools are intentionally based upon ideology and propaganda that teaches contrary to the truth and causes a lot of young people to be very confused about history, who they are, and basic truths in life. This same type of atmosphere is present in many large and well-known assemblies claiming to be Christians today. In the book of Revelation seven periods of […]

The Inarticulate Babbler – No Longer Tossed Around2023-12-14T08:11:48-08:00

Greek Grammar Rescue

A Collection of Koine Greek Charts, Grammar, and Parts of Speech for the Student of Biblical Greek

Luther Walker

The purpose of this book is to assist students of Koine (Biblical) Greek with studying by combining the first four years of study into one concise and easy to use aid. Within these pages, the student will find every aspect of the Greek language from the forms, to how different parts of the sentences are used. I originally designed this book to provide a way for me to keep the notes and charts of my classes in a compact, concise booklet for studying anywhere at any time. Now that the book is complete, I continue to find it to be an irreplaceable assistant in my continued studies of the Greek language and explaining God’s Word in the Pastorate. My desire is that this book will help other Pastors and saints in their studies as they endeavor to understand and present the Word of God accurately to their congregations, friends, relatives, coworkers, and with all others that God so graciously gives opportunity to share His Word.

© 2017 Luther Walker | All Rights Reserved | ISBN-10: 0-9993211-0-2, ISBN-13: 978-0-9993211-0-2 | This book or any potion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal.

Greek Grammar Rescue2023-11-25T15:07:19-08:00
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