Verse by verse study of the book of Revelation

Revelation The Beast that Was Not and Now Is

The beast which you saw, was and is not and is about to come out from the abyss and he will go into destruction.

Revelation The Beast that Was Not and Now Is2023-11-25T15:21:21-08:00

Revelation Mystery Babylon the Great

Coming Judgment of the Harlot

One of the Angels out from the Seven Explains the Judgment of the Great Harlot, Revelation 17:1-2

A Religious System

Many Waters Refer to Peoples and Nations

The Use of a Woman as the Head of a Religion

Always Used Negatively

Predominately, Cults Started by Women Involve Deception Where Those From Men Tend to be Outright Perverted

The Prophetess Jezabel , Revelation 2:20

She teaches spiritual fornication

She teaches idolatry

Her teaching is deceptive

She Produces Children, Revelation 2:23

A Woman is Not to Teach or Have Authority over Men, 1 Timothy 2:12

She is to learn in quietness (stillness [ἡσυχίᾳ])

Her place is not to teach doctrine (αὐθεντεῖν – to usurp authority)

She is more susceptible to being deceived, 1 Timothy 2:14

Judgment is Coming Upon This Great Harlot

Timing is Given to Us – One of the Angels Having the Seven Bowls

Taken in spirit to a Desert, Revelation 17:3-4

Previously was in the Heaven

Now the Focus is Earthly

Taken to a Wilderness or Desert (a barren place)

The Woman and the Beast

The Beast is Scarlet in Color Indicating a Connection with a Religious System

The Beast is the Man of Lawlessness, Daniel 7:7

At This Stage, the Beast is First Coming into Power (All Ten Kings With Him)

He Has Names That Falsely Attribute Things to Him

He will be Allowed to Deceive the Nations, 2 Thessalonians 2:10

He Comes According With the Workings of Satan, 2 Thessalonians 2:9

Revelation Mystery Babylon the Great2023-12-14T08:18:26-08:00

Revelation The Seven Strikes Against Those Taking the Mark

The Second Strike, Revelation 16:3

The Seven Strikes are Directed at Those Who Took the Mark of the Beast and Worship his Image

The Second Angel Pours out His Bowl, Revelation 16:3

The Sea is a Reference to the Sea by Israel – Mediterranean Sea

The Second Trumpet Turned a Third of the Sea to Blood, Revelation 8:8-9

Now the Entire Sea is Turned Likened to the Blood of the Dead

The Third Strike, Revelation 16:4-7

The Rivers and Springs of Waters are Turned to Blood, Revelation 16:4

The Third Trumpet had turned a third of the waters to Wormwood, Revelation 8:10

Now the Springs of Water and Rivers are Turned to Blood

The Response of the Angel of the Waters, Revelation 16:5

The Angel of the Waters Worships God

Referring to Him as the Pious One – Holiness in Action

Giving Them Blood to Drink, Revelation 16:6

“They” Goes Back to Those who Received the Mark and Those Who Worship the Beast

These are Tribulation Saints and Prophets

Today We Do Not Have Prophets, 2 Peter 2:1

During the Tribulation Period There will Be Prophets Again, Joel 2:28-32

They are Worthy of His Strike Against Them for Killing the Saints and Prophets

Those Under the Altar Respond To The Second Strike, Revelation 16:7

Those under the alter killed by the harlot who see the just judgment of God on the ones who killed them, Revelation 6:9

They Respond With Worshiping and Praise

The Fourth Strike, Revelation 16:8-9

The Sun Begins to Super […]

Revelation The Seven Strikes Against Those Taking the Mark2023-11-25T15:32:53-08:00
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