The Church
The Church (The Assembly belonging to God)
The Church
The Church is made up of those who are in the body of Christ1. The Church began on the Day of Pentecost2. The Church is only for those who are of the Dispensation of Grace3. Christ is the Head and the saints are the Body4. Through the Church, God shows to the principalities and powers His manifold wisdom5.
The Purpose of the Local Church
A quality of the body of Christ is represented in the gathering together of the saints. The purpose of the assembling of the saints in a local church is to teach, and edify the saints6. Each local church body is autonomous in its daily affairs7.
Membership in the Local Church
Only those who base their salvation on Christ’s death for their sins and resurrection from the dead three days later and have been baptized (immersed) in water are eligible to become members of a local church
Leadership Positions in the Local Church:
The Bishop or Pastor is a male who has been given the Spiritual gift of pastor even teacher gift and qualifies according to Scripture for the office8. This position is to guide, feed and guard the local assembly. The leadership of the Bishop is solely in the realm of teaching and therefore has no right to govern over the local church