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Spirit Beings

Spirit Beings (The Other Created Intelligent Beings in the Universe)

The Different Types of Spirit Beings


The highest order of the spirit beings. There are ones with four faces, two faces, and one face. Ezekiel 10:1 -22.


These spirit beings are seen around the throne of God and described as having six wings. Isaiah 6:2, 6; Revelation 4:8


This rank of spirit beings are the messengers. They are involved in the day to day activities of both heaven and earth. 1 Kings 19-23: Daniel 10:13; Hebrews 1:14


Satan is a Cherub whose name was Lucifer1 Satan is at this time the god of this age.2 He is the originator and keeper of the world system.3 He is an adversary of Christians.4 He still has access to the third heaven were he goes before God and accuses the brethren.5

Creation of Spirit Beings

All Spirit beings were created in one act and were created fully mature.6

Present Duties of the Unfallen Angels

The angels that did not fall presently minister to the heirs of salvation.7 They are the messengers of God.8 They carry out the judgments of God.9 They protect God’s People.10

The Fallen Angels

One third of the angels fell with Satan.11 They are presently known as demons.12 They have […]

Spirit Beings2020-06-07T06:09:04-07:00

The Mystery of The Christ

The mystery of The Christ is one of the most important revelations given to the Church, mainly because it involves not only how to be saved, but also how we are to live out our salvation.

In Ephesians 3:3 and 4, Paul writes about this mystery that was given to him by a revelation from God. As the steward of the dispensation of grace, God gave Paul instructions concerning how the household of grace is to live, Ephesians 3:2. These instructions are given in the revelation of this mystery. Paul writes concerning the mystery of the Christ so that we can understand what his insight is.

Since Paul is the steward of the dispensation of grace, the mystery of The Christ is a part of this period in time. It is something that was not revealed to any other generation. In Scripture, seven dispensations are revealed (Innocence, Conscience, Government, Promise, Law, Grace, Fullness of Times). In each of these dispensations, mankind is given instruction by God through a steward. The Church exists in the dispensation of grace and is therefore subject to the standards God gave concerning the Mystery of The Christ

Since we now have insight into what is the Mystery of The Christ it is no longer a mystery to those to whom it has been revealed. A mystery in Scripture is something that was hidden, but now God has made it known, Ephesians 3:5 (which was not made known in other generations to the sons of men, just as now it has been revealed through His holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit).

The Mystery of the Christ has to do with the fact that anyone who believes the gospel for salvation is taken […]

The Mystery of The Christ2023-12-14T11:23:23-08:00


The Origin and Nature of Humans

The Origin of Humans

Adam was both formed from the dust of the earth and created out of nothing by God1. Adam’s body was created out of the dust of the earth and his soul and spirit were created out of nothing2. Adam was created; all other humans were procreated from Adam and Eve3. When Adam was created, he was created in the likeness and the image of God4. Adam was created complete and in the likeness of God immediately without process.

The Body, the Soul, and the Spirit

Humans are tri-partite5. They have a body, which is the physical flesh. They have a soul, which is the center of his emotions6. They also have  a spirit, which is the part of them that is able to rationalize7. The place where these three parts come together is referred to as the heart, which is where the determinate will of a human is formed8.

The Present Condition of Unsaved Humans

All humans possess a sin nature and are totally depraved9. All unsaved are spiritually separated from God, because of Adam’s trespass and sin. They all physically die because of Adam’s sin10. They are not able to receive the things from the Spirit of God because their minds have been darkened11. The Gospel for salvation is foolishness to them and their minds have been darkened to this Gospel12.

The Present Condition of Saved Humans

Saved humans still possess a fallen nature. However, they also possess a new nature, which is a quality of the Divine Nature



Sin (Lawlessness)

The Origin of Sin

Satan is the originator of sin1.

The Definition of Sin

Sin is lawlessness. When someone knowingly does something that ignores the standards that God has set for them to live by, they are sinning2. Sin for a Christian is anything that is not done out from faith.

Through Sin, Death Entered the World

Adam’s trespass caused spiritual death and his sin caused physical death3. The sin and trespass of Adam were imputed unto all mankind, therefore all mankind is spiritually dead in sin and all are dying physically4. Prior to Adam’s sin death was not know in the world. Only the Christians that are physically alive at the time of the rapture will not face physical death. These Christians will pass over death into life 5.


1 Ezekiel 28:15, 16
2 1 John 3:4
3 Romans 5:12, 15
4 Romans 5:12-15
5 1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17

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Spirit Beings

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The Christian Life

The Christian Life

In Christ

The Christian is placed into the body of Christ by the Holy Spirit when he or she believed the Gospel for salvation1. The Christ is a new kind of creation by God that is made up of both Jew and Gentile, in which Christ is the Head and the Church is the Body2. There are no physical or racial distinctions in the Christ3. In Christ, the Christian is complete, lacking nothing4.

Christ in the Christian

The Christian has eternal life because Christ is now living in that Christian5. This also provided the means by which a Christian can live out the life of Christ here on earth.


The Holy Spirit places all believers of the Dispensation of Grace as mature sons, whether male or female, and always will be mature sons.6 Sonship is a place of privilege in which the believer is not under any quality of law7.

Priesthood of the Believer

All Christians are placed as priests when they believe and therefore are able to present spiritual sacrifices unto God when they are spiritual 8.


Abiding is an essential part of the Christian life. The Christian is only able to manifest the life of God and live out the Christian life when he is abiding (feeling at ease) in his position in Christ9.

The Enemies of the Saints

The Christian has three spiritual enemies that are active today: Satan […]

The Christian Life2020-06-07T05:54:56-07:00
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