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The Death and Resurrection of Christ

The Crucifixion of Christ – Wednesday Afternoon, Luke 23:33

The Reason for the Cross, John 12:32

Part of the Father’s Will, Philippians 2:8

A Result of the Father’s Single Act of Love to the Inhabited World, John 3:16

Two Deaths on the Cross

Prophecy Concerning His Deaths, Isaiah 53:9

Spiritual Death

Three Hours of Darkness Upon the Earth, Luke 23:44

Payment for the Trespass of Adam, Romans 5:17

His Physical death

He Breathed His Last, Luke 23:46

Required for sin, Hebrews 9:22

Payment for the Sin of Adam, Romans 5:12

The Tearing of the Veil‌, Mark 15:37-38

The High Sabbath Preparations, John 19:31

Three days and Three Nights in The Grave

The Prophecy of His Time in the Grave, Matthew 12:39-40

His Soul Will not be Left in Sheol, Psalms 16:10

His Body Will not be Allowed to Corrupt, Acts 2:31

Four Days before Corruption, John 11:38-39

The Day after the Crucifixion (The High Sabbath) – Thursday

Placing Guards at His Tomb,‌ Matthew 27:62-64

The Sabbaths of ‌The Feast of Unleavened Bread, Leviticus 23:4

The Passover Begins‌, Leviticus 23:5

The Feast of Unleavened Bread Begins‌, Leviticus 23:6

The High Sabbath, Leviticus 23:7

Two Sabbaths

Death of Christ on Wednesday Afternoon (The Day of Preparation)‌

The High Sabbath (First Day of Unleavened Bread) on Thursday‌

Workday on Friday‌ (Preparation for the weekly sabbath)

The Seventh Day Sabbath on Saturday

The Resurrection of Christ on the First Day […]

The Death and Resurrection of Christ2023-12-14T08:24:36-08:00

Revelation The Rise of the Beast

War In Heaven, Revelation 12:7

Michael the Archangel and His Angels Overcome Satan and His Angels, Revelation 12:8

Satan and His Angels are Cast to the Earth, Revelation 12:9

The Accuser of the Brethren Has Been Cast Down, Revelation 12:10

They have overcome him by the blood of the lamb, Revelation 12:11

The Church is in Heaven at This Time

Referring to the Tribulation Saints, Revelation 7:14

Rejoicing in Heaven, but Woe to the Earth, Revelation 12:12

The Dragon Persecutes the Woman (Israel), Revelation 12:13

Israel is Given the Ability to Escape, Revelation 12:14

The Dragon Tries to Destroy Israel While She is in the Wilderness, Revelation 12:15

The Earth Aids Israel, Revelation 12:16

The Dragon Goes After the Rest of Israel, Revelation 12:17

The 144,000 Sealed at Mid-Tribulation, Revelation 7:4

They are Spreading the Message of the Kingdom to the World

The Rise of the Beast, Revelation 13:1-10

The Dragon Gives His Authority to the Beast, Revelation 13:1-2

The Fourth Beast of Daniel’s Vision, Daniel 7:7

The Small Horn Speaking Blasphemy, Daniel 7:8

Going Back to the Beginning of the Tribulation

The Beast is Killed and Brought Back to Life, Revelation 13:3-4

Jumping Into Mid-Tribulation

The Beast is Killed During the War with Gog (Russia and her allies)

He is Brought Back to Life by a Demon that Comes out from the Abyss

He Makes the Whole World Wonder

They worship the dragon

They worship the beast

The Beast is Allowed to Do […]

Revelation The Rise of the Beast2023-12-14T08:26:31-08:00

Demonology Lesson 5

Putting On the Armor of God

Girding the Loins with Truth

Referring to the Thoughts – What goes through the mind, 1 Peter 1:13

Combats Lying and Gossip

Breastplate of Righteousness

We Are Righteous Because We Are In Christ, 2 Corinthians 5:21

By His Stripe We are Healed, 1 Peter 2:24

Defends Against Independence from God and Pride

Feet Prepared with the Gospel of Peace

This is the Message for Salvation, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4

It is a Gospel of Peace, Romans 5:1

Defends against Stealing, Laziness in Spiritual things, and Bitterness

The Shield of Faith, Ephesians 6:16

Fiery darts of the malignantly evil one

Doubting is when you do something that you think is against the standards God has set for your life.

The Helmet of Salvation, Ephesians 6:17

Our Salvation in Christ, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4

Defends Against Disappointment, Discouragement, Cowardice in Spiritual Things, Unforgiving (not gracious) Spirit

Disappointment, Job 3:1-26

Discouragement, Job 10:1-22

Cowardice in Spiritual Things, Luke 22:31-32

Stand as Men, 1 Corinthians 16:13

Unforgiving (Not Gracious) Spirit, 2 Corinthians 2:10-11

The Sword of the Spirit, Ephesians 6:17

This is the Utterances of God

Used to Defend Against Any Attack that Makes it Through the Other Parts of the Armor

Defensive, Not Offensive

The sword is used for all other types of attacks that get through the other parts of the armor. It is defensive still, not striking out, but destroying the attempts by Satan to negatively influence our thoughts by using specific statements from God’s […]

Demonology Lesson 52023-12-14T08:26:50-08:00

The Definition of Love – Not Jealous

Love is longsuffering, love is kind, love is not jealous … 1 Corinthians 13:4

Jealousy is wanting what another person has. It is not just being resentful or angry of another’s good fortune or achievements, but a strong desire to possess them. Unlike zeal, which is an enthusiastic devotion to a cause or goal making someone eager and determined to do something, jealousy takes this type of attitude and uses it in a way that damages others to get what they have. So one who is jealous will be zealous to obtain what another person has.

Jealousy will produce actions that are harmful to others.

“And the patriarchs, becoming jealous, sold Joseph into Egypt. But God was with him – Acts 7:9

We also see an example of jealousy in Galatia where men came down from Jerusalem who sought to make Paul look bad to the saints there as though he was their enemy so they could exclude the saints to themselves. This is a very common tactic of false teachers and those seeking to usurp a position of authority even today.

They jealously court you, but for no good; yes, they want to exclude you, that you may be zealous for them. – Galatians 4:17

Because of jealousy for their father’s love, the brothers of Joseph sold him into slavery. Because of jealousy for the saints, false teachers came into Galatia teaching that they had to keep the law to be saved, not for the sake of those they sought to persuade but so these false teachers could look good before others and get them to only follow them. Jealousy always leads to hurting others. The Jews were very jealous of Paul when he would teach […]

The Definition of Love – Not Jealous2023-12-14T08:35:00-08:00

Why the Great Commission is not so Great

At the end of the book of Matthew it is recorded that Jesus instructed His disciples to go and make disciples. As a result of this command, this verse has been used as the battle cry for missionaries. Taking the gospel around the world! However, the verse does not actually say that, and when we understand what it in fact states, we see that the Great Commission diminishes what Jesus said.

From the ESV, although most modern translations are basically the same, Matthew 28:19 states, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” This is basically the same translation as the King James version even though the ESV claims to take the original language into account. Why is this important? Let us walk through the original statement so we can see.

When it comes to translating Scripture from the original Greek, we need to pay attention to the type of verb that is being expressed. For commands, we typically find these in the imperative. Therefore, it is necessary, urgent, or required that we do the statement. In Matthew 28:19 “Go”, in our translations, is expressing an imperative. However, there is an issue with this, because the word for “go” is not in the imperative in the original language; rather, it is the word “make disciples” that is the imperative. So why does this matter? Well, you see, the disciples were not commanded to “Go”, they were commanded to “make disciples”. Is not the meaning basically the same? Actually, it is not. Let us look at the word “Go” and see. “Go” is not a normal verb, it is actually a participle. […]

Why the Great Commission is not so Great2023-12-14T08:35:56-08:00
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