Revelation The Mind of The One Having Wisdom

The Mind of the One Having Wisdom, Revelation 17:9

Wisdom is a Proper Use of Knowledge

The Angel is Explaining What the Symbols Mean So We Can be Wise Concerning Them

We of the Church Are to Understand Revelation

God Gives Us Wisdom Without Upbraiding It, James 1:5

There is No Mystery Hidden Within Revelation

Revelation Reveals What Is Going to Happen to the Church, World System, Satan, and Israel

It is Written in Such a Way that It Requires the Holy Spirit to Knit Things Together, Just as All Scripture is Written

It is Not Done Through a Private Interpretation, 2 Peter 1:20

The Seven Heads, Revelation 17:9 

Seven Mountains is Referring to Rome, Revelation 17:9

Historically, Rome is the only Place Known to be Built on Seven Mountains

We Cannot Take Know Places Today and Apply Them Here

The Harlot will Rule, Ecumenically, From Rome

The Beast Rises From The Revived Roman Empire

Not From Vatican City, Which is Not Rome

They are Seven Kings, Revelation 17:10-11

The Different Stages of the Revived Roman Empire

Starts With Ten Kings – They Give the Man of Lawlessness Political Power

Seven Kings is Shortly After the Man of Lawlessness Takes Power

The Resuscitated Man of Lawlessness is Yet to Come

The Beast is the Eighth, Revelation 17:11

The Rise of the New Roman Empire, Revelation 17:12-14

The Ten Kings, Revelation 17:12

At This Stage the Kings Have Not Received Their Kingdoms

Revived Rome will Not be Present Until the Man of Lawlessness is Revealed

Today, […]

Revelation The Mind of The One Having Wisdom2023-12-14T08:15:41-08:00

Revelation Babylon and Those Who Take the Mark of the Beast

Declaring The Fall of Babylon, Revelation 14:8

Babylon the Great Has Fallen, Revelation 14:8

A Reference to False Religions

A Result of the Ecumenical System Setup to Bring the Man of Lawlessness to Power, Revelation 17:3

Babylon is the Center of all False Religions – She Has Many Daughters, Revelation 17:5

She is Not the Only Religion Upon the Earth At This Time

Other Nations Will Have Their Religious Systems, 2 Thessalonians 2:4

She Drinks of the Nations, Revelation 14:8

Nations is the object (τὰ ἔθνη)

She drank out (πεπότικεν) from the wine of her inner burning anger of her fornication

Spiritual Fornication

Drunk With the Blood of the Saints, Revelation 17:6

She is Destroyed by the Beast at Mid-Tribulation, Revelation 17:16

Warning To Those Who Worship the Beast, Revelation 14:9-11

Those Who Follow the Beast, Revelation 14:9

The Ones Worshiping the Beast

They Receive His Mark Upon Their Forehead or Hand

This is the Mark of His Name, Revelation 14:11

Implemented after the Resurrection of the Beast at Mid-Tribulation

The Image Makes All the Ones Dwelling Upon the Earth to Take a Mark, Revelation 13:16

This is a Visible Mark – Engraved, inscription, or branded formed by Humans, Acts 17:29

Used for Commerce, Revelation 13:17

They Will Drink of the Wine of the Full Burning Anger of God, Revelation 14:10

These are Ones Who Never Received the Truth, 2 Thessalonians 2:10

God Will Permit Them to be Thoroughly Deceived So they will Face Judgment, 2 […]

Revelation Babylon and Those Who Take the Mark of the Beast2023-12-14T08:21:21-08:00
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