Revelation The Rise of the Beast

War In Heaven, Revelation 12:7

Michael the Archangel and His Angels Overcome Satan and His Angels, Revelation 12:8

Satan and His Angels are Cast to the Earth, Revelation 12:9

The Accuser of the Brethren Has Been Cast Down, Revelation 12:10

They have overcome him by the blood of the lamb, Revelation 12:11

The Church is in Heaven at This Time

Referring to the Tribulation Saints, Revelation 7:14

Rejoicing in Heaven, but Woe to the Earth, Revelation 12:12

The Dragon Persecutes the Woman (Israel), Revelation 12:13

Israel is Given the Ability to Escape, Revelation 12:14

The Dragon Tries to Destroy Israel While She is in the Wilderness, Revelation 12:15

The Earth Aids Israel, Revelation 12:16

The Dragon Goes After the Rest of Israel, Revelation 12:17

The 144,000 Sealed at Mid-Tribulation, Revelation 7:4

They are Spreading the Message of the Kingdom to the World

The Rise of the Beast, Revelation 13:1-10

The Dragon Gives His Authority to the Beast, Revelation 13:1-2

The Fourth Beast of Daniel’s Vision, Daniel 7:7

The Small Horn Speaking Blasphemy, Daniel 7:8

Going Back to the Beginning of the Tribulation

The Beast is Killed and Brought Back to Life, Revelation 13:3-4

Jumping Into Mid-Tribulation

The Beast is Killed During the War with Gog (Russia and her allies)

He is Brought Back to Life by a Demon that Comes out from the Abyss

He Makes the Whole World Wonder

They worship the dragon

They worship the beast

The Beast is Allowed to Do […]

Revelation The Rise of the Beast2023-12-14T08:26:31-08:00

Revelation – The Seven Trumpets Part 2

And the fifth angel sounded, and I discerned a fallen unto the earth star out from the heaven and it was given to him the key to the pit of the abyss. And he opened the pit of the abyss and up came smoke out from the pit as smoke of a furnace burning. And the sun and the air were darkened out from the smoke from the pit. And out from the smoke came locusts unto the earth and authority was given to them, as the scorpions of the earth have authority. – Revelation 9:1-3

Revelation – The Seven Trumpets Part 22023-12-14T08:30:26-08:00
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