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Feeling at Ease with Who You are In Christ

John 15:1, 2, 4 I am the true vine and the Father is the vine dresser. Every branch in me not bearing fruit He lifts up and every branch bearing fruit He cleanses in order that it may bear more fruit…. Abide in me and I in you. Just as the branch does not have the natural ability to bear fruit from itself except it abides in the vine, thus neither can you, except you abide in me.

When we believed the Gospel for Salvation (Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures) we were placed into the body of Christ by the Holy Spirit. This body is a new creation by God in which Christ is the head and we are the body. In this new creation, old thing have passed away. We are no longer in Adam and therefore no longer condemned. Behold, all things have become new. We are in Christ, were we are now counted to be righteous before God, our spirits are connected to God, we are no longer a slave to the sin nature, we have a quality of the mind of Christ, and share in a quality of the Divine Nature. The change that happens at salvation is not a visible change because it begins in our spiritual part, and ends with our full redemption at the rapture with a resurrected body and a saved soul. Nonetheless, this change is very real. We are now able to receive the things of the Spirit and live a life that manifests the character of the resurrected Christ.

How comfortable are you with who you are in Christ? When Jesus first revealed the […]

Feeling at Ease with Who You are In Christ2023-11-23T10:32:24-08:00

Future Events

Future Events

The Rapture

The Rapture is the next event in the prophetic calendar.1 This is the snatching away of the church.2 At the end of the Dispensation of Grace, the Church will be snatched away by Christ and presented before the Father.3 At this time all believers who are a part of the Body of Christ will be resurrected and receive their full redemption (Spirit, soul and body). The believers that have not physically died at this time will pass over death and receive their resurrected body and the redemption of their soul with the believers that are resurrected from the dead.4 This event may happen at any moment. The Scriptures do not elaborate on the exact time when this will happen, except for stating that it will be prior to the tribulation.5

The Tribulation Period

This is a seven year period of time that follows the snatching away of the Church. During this time, the Dispensation of Law is judged and the wrath of God is poured out upon the earth. This will fulfill the prophecy of the seventieth week in Daniel 9. The beginning of this time is marked by the signing of a seven year covenant of peace with Israel.6

The Second Coming of Christ

Christ will physically return in judgment to the earth at the end of the Tribulation Period and set up His kingdom on earth for one thousand years.7

Satan and the Fallen Angels

Satan will be bound for a thousand years at the beginning of the […]

Future Events2020-06-07T06:10:54-07:00


Sin (Lawlessness)

The Origin of Sin

Satan is the originator of sin1.

The Definition of Sin

Sin is lawlessness. When someone knowingly does something that ignores the standards that God has set for them to live by, they are sinning2. Sin for a Christian is anything that is not done out from faith.

Through Sin, Death Entered the World

Adam’s trespass caused spiritual death and his sin caused physical death3. The sin and trespass of Adam were imputed unto all mankind, therefore all mankind is spiritually dead in sin and all are dying physically4. Prior to Adam’s sin death was not know in the world. Only the Christians that are physically alive at the time of the rapture will not face physical death. These Christians will pass over death into life 5.


1 Ezekiel 28:15, 16
2 1 John 3:4
3 Romans 5:12, 15
4 Romans 5:12-15
5 1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17

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Future Events




Salvation is by grace through faith in Christ’s death for sins, burial, and resurrection three days later according to the Scriptures1.

God the Father’s Involvement in Salvation

God the Father is the one that forgives the trespasses and sins of the believers on the basis of Christ’s cross work2.

He imputes Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection to the believers, thus He imputes the believers to be righteous3, counting the believers to have died with Christ and to have been raised with Christ 4.

God the Father seals the believers in Christ by the Holy Spirit5.

The Son’s Involvement in Salvation

God the Son, in his humanity, was separated both spiritually from God for three hours on the cross and physically from His human body. His death, burial and resurrection are imputed to believers; therefore, making the believer righteous before God the Father6 and giving them access to Him7.

His physical death

His physical death provided reconciliation for mankind and spirit beings to God the Father8 and provides redemption for all men9.

His spiritual death

His spiritual death dealt with the sin nature of man10. The sin nature was a result of Adam’s trespass and was passed on to all men.

His work on the Cross

His […]



The Nature of God

God is the Сreator and Sustainer of all things, seen and unseen1. He is eternal and unchangeable in His nature3.

The Essence of God

His essence is Spirit. This essence is self-existing, one, and immense 2

Attributes (Seven attributes of God)

His attributes are omnipotent, omniscient, holy (set apart), righteous, goodness, love, and truth4 .

Three Persons, One God

God exists in a trinity of three distinct inseparable Persons; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit5 . All three Persons share the same essence and attributes. In the Godhead, all three Persons are equal6.

God the Father

This Person of the Godhead is revealed to us as the one that is the ultimate source of all things; all things are out from the Father.1

God the Father’s Fatherhood Relationship

God the Father’s fatherhood relationship to God the Son shows that they are equal in nature while the Son can be voluntarily submissive to the Father in carrying out the decree2. This Person of the Godhead displays the fatherhood type of relationship that He has to spirit beings as well as saved and unsaved mankind 3. The Fatherhood relationship shows that God is the source of all things.

His Past and Present Work

He sent the Son to be a propitiation (satisfaction) for the sins of the world

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