Revelation Mystery Babylon the Great

Coming Judgment of the Harlot

One of the Angels out from the Seven Explains the Judgment of the Great Harlot, Revelation 17:1-2

A Religious System

Many Waters Refer to Peoples and Nations

The Use of a Woman as the Head of a Religion

Always Used Negatively

Predominately, Cults Started by Women Involve Deception Where Those From Men Tend to be Outright Perverted

The Prophetess Jezabel , Revelation 2:20

She teaches spiritual fornication

She teaches idolatry

Her teaching is deceptive

She Produces Children, Revelation 2:23

A Woman is Not to Teach or Have Authority over Men, 1 Timothy 2:12

She is to learn in quietness (stillness [ἡσυχίᾳ])

Her place is not to teach doctrine (αὐθεντεῖν – to usurp authority)

She is more susceptible to being deceived, 1 Timothy 2:14

Judgment is Coming Upon This Great Harlot

Timing is Given to Us – One of the Angels Having the Seven Bowls

Taken in spirit to a Desert, Revelation 17:3-4

Previously was in the Heaven

Now the Focus is Earthly

Taken to a Wilderness or Desert (a barren place)

The Woman and the Beast

The Beast is Scarlet in Color Indicating a Connection with a Religious System

The Beast is the Man of Lawlessness, Daniel 7:7

At This Stage, the Beast is First Coming into Power (All Ten Kings With Him)

He Has Names That Falsely Attribute Things to Him

He will be Allowed to Deceive the Nations, 2 Thessalonians 2:10

He Comes According With the Workings of Satan, 2 Thessalonians 2:9

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Revelation Reaping

Happy Are the Dead, Who Die by a Lord, Revelation 14:12-13

The Patience of the Saints, Revelation 14:12

A Holding Out Under Circumstances

They are The Ones Who Will Have to Deal With Those Who Have the Mark of the Beast

Those who will go into captivity, Revelation 13:10

Their Patience is They Know Judgment is Coming Upon Them

These are the ones who keep the commandments of God and the faith in Jesus

The message at this time is of the Kingdom of the Heavens

They will be proclaiming the resurrection of the Messiah

Happiness of the Dead, Revelation 14:13

These are the Ones About to Die

Happy Because They Will No Longer Be Suffering in Toil

Their Work is Done

They will be Killed by their Masters (a Lord)

This is During the Second Half of the Tribulation Period

The Reapers, Revelation 14:14-20

Reaping of the Gentiles, Revelation 14:14-16

This Messenger is Likened to the Son of Man

The Resurrected Christ

Golden Victor’s Wreath

He is the Conquer – the Victor

Crowned With a Victor’s Wreath

Victor’s Wreath for His Work on the Cross, Hebrews 2:5-8

Crowned Him – Gave a Victor’s Wreath (ἐστεφάνωσας)

Because of suffering of death, Hebrews 2:9

He overcame death, Hebrews 2:14

Another Messenger Call Out to Reap the Earth, Revelation 14:15

The Time When the Son Requests the Father to Give Him the Nations, Psalm 2:8-9

This Reaping is for the Harvest of Dry Grain (ξηραίνω – made dry)

Angel […]

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Revelation: The Rise of the False Prophet

The Rise of the Second Beast, Revelation 13:11-13

It has the appearance likened to a sheep

One from Among the Jews

He speaks as a dragon

Deception in his words, Revelation 12:9

Deception from the truth, 2 Corinthians 11:3

Makes Those Dwelling Upon the Earth To Worship the Beast, Revelation 13:12

It does all the authority of the first beast

It performs these acts in the presence of the first beast

It makes all the ones dwelling upon the earth to worship the first beast

This is an Old Testament Concept of Worship which is to bow the face down to the ground (prostrate).

The Worshiping of the first beast will start in the middle of the tribulation period – after it has been healed from its mortal wound.

It does signs, Revelation 13:13

The signs will be performed in the first half to deceive the Jews

Fire from the first heaven (sky), which is lightning

The Creating of an Image, Revelation 13:14-15

Deceiving Those who Dwell Upon the Earth, Revelation 13:14

This is those who are earth dwellers, Revelation 3:10

They reject the truth and follow the beast, Revelation 11:10

Centralized Around Jerusalem

The second beast is given a spirit to cause the image to speak, Revelation 13:15

Speaking is focusing on words, not content. The image can speak for itself

The Image made all who would not worship it to be put to death

The Mark of the Beast, Revelation 13:16-18

The Image Makes All the Ones Dwelling Upon the Earth to […]

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