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To Pull, Drag, or Draw (ἑλκύω)

To draw (ἑλκύω) expresses the concept of moving an object from one area to another by attraction or pulling.

During Christ’s earthly ministry, after Jesus declared that He was the bread of life that came down from heaven, the crowd following Him from the other side of the sea where He fed them began to murmur. They knew that Jesus was the son of Joseph, so how could He come down from heaven? In response, Jesus instructed them to stop murmuring, for no one has the ability to come to Him except the Father draws him, John 6:44.

When Jesus is lifted up, He will draw all men unto Himself, John 12:32. The time for the judgment of this world has come. Just as a seed of wheat must die to produce more, through His death, many more sons of the light will be produced, John 12:36.

After the death of Christ, the disciples returned to their fishing business. They spent the night out on the sea but did not have any success. In the morning, the resurrected Christ spoke to them from the shore and instructed them to cast out the nets on the other side of the boat. Once they did this, the catch was so large they could not draw it into the boat, John 21:6. Realizing the man on the shore was Jesus, Peter jumped into the sea and swam to shore while the other disciples drew the net to land, John 21:7.

After Paul rebuked a demon who had possessed a young slave girl to deceive people who lived in the city of Philippi because she was following Paul around, claiming that he was presenting a way of salvation, her masters dragged Paul and […]

To Pull, Drag, or Draw (ἑλκύω)2024-03-16T09:20:03-07:00

The Human Nature and How it Relates to Adam and the Christ

In discussing the human nature, there are major theological differences, especially in the realm of the spirit and soul. These disagreements are not discussed in this paper but will certainly influence the reader’s perception of what is stated. The author highly encourages the reader challenges their own thinking on this matter by solely relying on Scripture rather than theology to strengthen their understanding of and confidence in the truth regarding the human nature. This paper in no way implies, supports, suggest, or reveals that there is any change in the clear separation of the pre-Testament, Israel, Church, or Millennial Kingdom saints. These groups of believers have different promises with different content to their salvation and will always be distinct.

Where does the human soul and spirit come from? We know that the body comes from the parents, but what about the other parts of the human nature? To understand this, we are going to examine what Scripture reveals about where the body, soul, and spirit originate from and how this unique creation of God propagates, along with the fact that even though we share in our nature, we are individuals and personally liable to God.

In the creation of humans, we have two stories in Scripture that give us details on our beginning. These stories are not in contrast to one another; rather, the second one gives us more details on what God did in creating humans. In Genesis 1, we are given an overview of the renovation of the earth and the creation of Adam. God created humans; male and female1, yet He did not create both male and female. As we examine chapter two of Genesis, we find that Adam is […]

The Human Nature and How it Relates to Adam and the Christ2023-11-25T15:06:39-08:00

Revelation The Wars at the End of the Tribulation

The Wars

There are Three Major Battles
The King of the South
The King of the North and the King of the West – They Destroy the Harlot
The Army from the East
The Armies Around Jerusalem
The Armies of the South
The Battle of Armageddon

The Four Angels Released from the Euphrates, Revelation 9:14

Under the Authority of the Dragon, Beast, and False Prophet, Revelation 16:13
The Fourth is Under the Authority of the Harlot
They Are Released to Gather the Armies of the Earth, Revelation 16:14

The King of the South – Egypt

Considers Himself to Be a God, Ezekiel 29:3
He is coming against the false prophet to destroy the beast, Daniel 11:40
The Willful King is the Second Beast of Revelation 13:11
He has all the Authority of the First Beast, Revelation 13:12
He Performs Signs and Wonders to Deceive People Into Worshiping the Beast, Revelation 13:13
They also have a plot against Israel
Israel is In the Wilderness at This time
After Fighting With the King of the North, Coming Down and Destroying Israel

The King of the North And King of the West

The Ten Kings, Revelation 17:12-13
He will Come Against the King of the South, Daniel 11:40
He is the First Beast of Revelation 13:1
He has to use ships, indicating he is from Rome, Daniel 11:40
He Will Come Into Many Counties – The Land of Israel that has been, Daniel 11:38
He Hears News from the North-East of the Army Coming, Daniel 11:44
All Nations are Gathered to Battle Against Jerusalem, Zechariah 14:2
Christ Will Return at This Time, Zechariah 14:3-4

Revelation The Wars at the End of the Tribulation2023-12-14T08:13:50-08:00

Revelation The Seven Strikes Against Those Taking the Mark

The Second Strike, Revelation 16:3

The Seven Strikes are Directed at Those Who Took the Mark of the Beast and Worship his Image

The Second Angel Pours out His Bowl, Revelation 16:3

The Sea is a Reference to the Sea by Israel – Mediterranean Sea

The Second Trumpet Turned a Third of the Sea to Blood, Revelation 8:8-9

Now the Entire Sea is Turned Likened to the Blood of the Dead

The Third Strike, Revelation 16:4-7

The Rivers and Springs of Waters are Turned to Blood, Revelation 16:4

The Third Trumpet had turned a third of the waters to Wormwood, Revelation 8:10

Now the Springs of Water and Rivers are Turned to Blood

The Response of the Angel of the Waters, Revelation 16:5

The Angel of the Waters Worships God

Referring to Him as the Pious One – Holiness in Action

Giving Them Blood to Drink, Revelation 16:6

“They” Goes Back to Those who Received the Mark and Those Who Worship the Beast

These are Tribulation Saints and Prophets

Today We Do Not Have Prophets, 2 Peter 2:1

During the Tribulation Period There will Be Prophets Again, Joel 2:28-32

They are Worthy of His Strike Against Them for Killing the Saints and Prophets

Those Under the Altar Respond To The Second Strike, Revelation 16:7

Those under the alter killed by the harlot who see the just judgment of God on the ones who killed them, Revelation 6:9

They Respond With Worshiping and Praise

The Fourth Strike, Revelation 16:8-9

The Sun Begins to Super […]

Revelation The Seven Strikes Against Those Taking the Mark2023-11-25T15:32:53-08:00

Revelation: The Rise of the False Prophet

The Rise of the Second Beast, Revelation 13:11-13

It has the appearance likened to a sheep

One from Among the Jews

He speaks as a dragon

Deception in his words, Revelation 12:9

Deception from the truth, 2 Corinthians 11:3

Makes Those Dwelling Upon the Earth To Worship the Beast, Revelation 13:12

It does all the authority of the first beast

It performs these acts in the presence of the first beast

It makes all the ones dwelling upon the earth to worship the first beast

This is an Old Testament Concept of Worship which is to bow the face down to the ground (prostrate).

The Worshiping of the first beast will start in the middle of the tribulation period – after it has been healed from its mortal wound.

It does signs, Revelation 13:13

The signs will be performed in the first half to deceive the Jews

Fire from the first heaven (sky), which is lightning

The Creating of an Image, Revelation 13:14-15

Deceiving Those who Dwell Upon the Earth, Revelation 13:14

This is those who are earth dwellers, Revelation 3:10

They reject the truth and follow the beast, Revelation 11:10

Centralized Around Jerusalem

The second beast is given a spirit to cause the image to speak, Revelation 13:15

Speaking is focusing on words, not content. The image can speak for itself

The Image made all who would not worship it to be put to death

The Mark of the Beast, Revelation 13:16-18

The Image Makes All the Ones Dwelling Upon the Earth to […]

Revelation: The Rise of the False Prophet2023-12-14T08:25:32-08:00
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