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Greek Grammar Rescue

A Collection of Koine Greek Charts, Grammar, and Parts of Speech for the Student of Biblical Greek

Luther Walker

The purpose of this book is to assist students of Koine (Biblical) Greek with studying by combining the first four years of study into one concise and easy to use aid. Within these pages, the student will find every aspect of the Greek language from the forms, to how different parts of the sentences are used. I originally designed this book to provide a way for me to keep the notes and charts of my classes in a compact, concise booklet for studying anywhere at any time. Now that the book is complete, I continue to find it to be an irreplaceable assistant in my continued studies of the Greek language and explaining God’s Word in the Pastorate. My desire is that this book will help other Pastors and saints in their studies as they endeavor to understand and present the Word of God accurately to their congregations, friends, relatives, coworkers, and with all others that God so graciously gives opportunity to share His Word.

© 2017 Luther Walker | All Rights Reserved | ISBN-10: 0-9993211-0-2, ISBN-13: 978-0-9993211-0-2 | This book or any potion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal.

Greek Grammar Rescue2023-11-25T15:07:19-08:00

Greek Grammar Rescue

Greek Grammar Rescue

A Collection of Koine Greek Charts, Grammar, and Parts of Speech for the Student of Biblical Greek

Luther Walker

The purpose of this book is to assist students of Koine (Biblical) Greek with studying by combining the first four years of study into one concise and easy to use aid. Within these pages, the student will find every aspect of the Greek language from the forms, to how different parts of the sentences are used. I originally designed this book to provide a way for me to keep the notes and charts of my classes in a compact, concise booklet for studying anywhere at any time. Now that the book is complete, I continue to find it to be an irreplaceable assistant in my continued studies of the Greek language and explaining God’s Word in the Pastorate. My desire is that this book will help other Pastors and saints in their studies as they endeavor to understand and present the Word of God accurately to their congregations, friends, relatives, coworkers, and with all others that God so graciously gives opportunity to share His Word.

© 2017 Luther Walker | All Rights Reserved | ISBN-10: 0-9993211-0-2, ISBN-13: 978-0-9993211-0-2 | This book or any potion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal.








Suffixes And Their Meanings

Greek Grammar Rescue2022-10-11T13:43:03-07:00

Present Tense

The Present Tense Verb

The Kind of Action of the Present Tense:

The present tense primarily expresses linear action; however, depending on context can focus on a point in time.  With the Greek verb the time is secondary to the type of action; therefore, the present tense is not restricted to only expressing action going on in the present time. The time element is expressed by the mode more than the tense; however, the progressive force of the present tense needs to be considered regardless of what mode it is used with, especially the Subjunctive and Optative modes.

The Aoristic  Present

Denotes point-in-time action in the present time; taking place at the moment of speaking or writing without reference to its progress.

And Peter said to him, “Aenea, Jesus the Christ heals you, stand up furnish for yourself and he immediately rose. Acts 9:34

The Gnomic Present

Represents that which is assumed to be true at all times; simply affirming that something does happen under given circumstances.

The Historical Present

Portrays a past action as though it were going on at the moment it was written. It expresses vividness in dramatic narration where the writer can still picture the events in his mind as though they were still happening and he is still involved in them.

The next day John seeing Jesus coming towards him and said, “Look with discernment, the Lamb of God, the One taking away the sin of the world. John 1:29

The Futuristic Present

Pictures a future event, which is so certain to the writer that he writes of it as though it was already taking place.

The Descriptive Present

Represents an […]

Present Tense2023-12-11T12:19:13-08:00

Nouns, Articles, and Cases

Nouns, Articles, and Case Endings

Case is determined by function, not form

In the Greek language, it is important to understand that the relationship of the noun to the other words in the sentence always governs the case. Hence, although Genitive and Ablative share the same endings, they are clearly distinguished within the context and function of the sentence. There are eight cases in the Greek language: Nominative, Genitive, Ablative, Dative, Locative, Instrumental, Accusative, and Vocative.

Vocative Case

The case of direct address.

The Nominative Case

The case of specific designation, the naming case.

The Genitive Case

The case of definition or description.

The Dative Case

The case of personal interest. It expresses the indirect object.

The Locative Case

The case of position or location.

The Instrumental Case

The case of means or association.

The Accusative Case

The case of limitation or extension.

© 2017 Luther Walker | All Rights Reserved | ISBN-10: 0-9993211-0-2, ISBN-13: 978-0-9993211-0-2 | This book or any potion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal.

Nouns, Articles, and Cases2023-12-11T12:23:52-08:00


The Greek Verb

The verb is the part of a sentence that expresses the action or state of being. Some verbs require an object to complete the sentence where others do not due to their inherent meaning. Transitive or intransitive is a characteristic of the verb, not expressed or modified by the voice. Transitive verbs take a direct object. Intransitive verbs do not need a direct object to complete their meaning.

Five Identifying Features of the Greek Verb

The Greek verb has five identifying features: Mode (Mood), Tense, Voice, Person, Number.

Mode (Mood)

Represents the way in which the action is perceived. Two viewpoints are expressed: that which is actual and that which is possible.


Identifies type and time of action. The kind of action is the principle idea involved with the Greek tense, whereas the time of action is secondary. Kinds of actions are continuous, occurring, and completed.


Indicates how the subject relates to the action or state of the verb.


The subject is producing the action or state expressed by the verb.


The subject participates in or directly benefits from the result of the action or state expressed in the verb.


The subject receives the action or state of the verb.

Person and Number

Person and number determine the relation of the subject to the action of the verb. The verb will always agree with its subject in person and number.

Deponent or Defective Verbs

Deponent means “to lay aside” and defective is used to imply that a word has no active voice. However, both terms are inadequate to describe the use of a middle or passive in place of the active voice. The active form did exist; however, through use dropped off because the middle or passive voice by the nature of the word and its use became predominate. However, to say it has “laid aside” its active voice is incorrect and contrary to the history of […]

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